
A simple example of the integration Cypress with Mochawesome library to generate HTML and JSON report after tests run.

Primary LanguageHTML

HTML and JSON report with Mochawesome library

This is the simple example for integrating Cypress with Mochawesome library to generate HTML and JSON report.

mocha npm version

How to setting up in your project


  • $ yarn add mochawesome --dev
  • $ yarn add mochawesome-merge@2.1.0 --dev
  • $ yarn add mochawesome-report-generator --dev

Add the following code inside your cypress.json

  "reporter": "mochawesome",
  "reporterOptions": {
    "reportDir": "cypress/results",
    "overwrite": false,
    "html": false,
    "json": true

How to generate report Locally

  • $ yarn start & cypress run --headless --browser chrome
  • $ npx mochawesome-merge --reportDir cypress/results > cypress/merged-report.json
  • $ npx marge cypress/merged-report.json -o cypress/mochawesome-html-report

Find your HTML report in the .../cypress/mochawesome-html-report/merged-report.html

How to generate report in Circleci

Add this configuration into your config.yml file

version: 2.1

  cypress: cypress-io/cypress@1.26.0

      - cypress/run:
          install-command: yarn install --frozen-lockfile
          start: yarn start
          wait-on: 'http://localhost:3000'
            - run:
                name: Create merged-report Directory
                command: mkdir cypress/merged-report/
            - run:
                name: Merge mochawesome jsons in one file
                when: always
                command: npx mochawesome-merge --reportDir cypress/results > cypress/merged-report/merged-report.json
            - run:
                name: Generate mochawesome html report
                when: always
                command: npx marge cypress/merged-report/merged-report.json -o cypress/mochawesome-html-report
            - store_artifacts:
                name: Uploading mochawesome-merged-report.json
                path: cypress/merged-report
            - store_artifacts:
                name: Uploading mochawesome-html-report
                path: cypress/mochawesome-html-report

Demo: CircleCI


  • find the way to attach screenshots & video on failure

P.S. if you want to try something else look at Allure 2 report here