Topic Modeling of LinkedIn Influencers

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Exploring Trends from LinkedIn Influencers to Guide and Support New or Existing Users


LinkedIn, the premier professional network, provides individuals with a platform to cultivate influence and make a lasting impact. Using a dataset of LinkedIn influencers, we have developed a topic modeling system that uncovers frequently used words and themes, offering insights on how to become influential on the platform. This system serves as a guide for both new and existing users, empowering them to navigate LinkedIn effectively and build their personal brand by leveraging the strategies of successful influencers.


The dataset at hand comprises comprehensive information on LinkedIn influencers, including post details.

Link to dataset on Kaggle

Group Members

  1. Ebenezer Acquah - 10885076
  2. Eugene Cobbah - 10866103


The analysis of the discovered topics or clusters reveals important keywords that can guide new users in their journey to become influencers on LinkedIn. Here are some of the significant keywords and their potential implications:

Marketing, Business, and Know: These keywords suggest that having a strong understanding of marketing strategies and business principles is essential for building influence on LinkedIn. New users can focus on creating content that provides valuable insights and knowledge related to their industry or area of expertise.

LinkedIn, Feed, and Hashtag: These keywords highlight the importance of engaging with the LinkedIn platform itself. New users should actively participate in discussions, comment on relevant posts, and use appropriate hashtags to increase the visibility of their content and attract a wider audience.

Sramana, Million, and Software: These keywords may indicate the significance of showcasing notable achievements and expertise. New users can highlight their accomplishments, such as successful projects or milestones, and demonstrate their proficiency in specific software or tools related to their field.

World, Media, and Work: These keywords imply the importance of establishing a strong online presence beyond LinkedIn. New users can leverage other social media platforms and online channels to share their work, connect with industry influencers, and expand their reach to a global audience.