Youtube Live Chat Fetch - Python Application

This repo creates a basic python application that would fetch a stream of youtube live chats.

The purpose of the YouTube Live Stream Fetch Python application would be used to listen to input commands to control droiid. (The 6 wheeled package Delviery Robot).

However, the use cases can be expanded to work for your project. Here's a basic application example.

Credits PytChat GitHub Repo:

Create a virtual environment: python3 -m venv env Activate virtual environment: source env/bin/activate Install requirements: pip install -r requirements.txt

To fetch Youtube live stream chats, we’re using the Pytchat library: pip install pytchat.

The base template example:

import pytchat
chat = pytchat.create(video_id="5qap5aO4c9A")
while chat.is_alive():
    for c in chat.get().sync_items():
        print(f"{c.datetime} [{}]- {c.message}")

How it Works:

This library takes your video ID and fetches data based (via http request).

The selected video ID can be located wuithin the Youtube URL:



Note: The above example/ repo only works with YouTube live streams. The Pytchat library provides attributes of author object, which be used to fetch super chats, Supersuckers etc.