
A simple graphical utility to activate and deactivate iDevices in GNU/Linux

Primary LanguageC

===What is iDeviceActivator?===

iDeviceActivator is an easy to use, graphical application to activate and deactivate iDevices in GNU/Linux.  The activation portion is all based on my fork of ideviceactivate.  It is avaliable under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 3.

===Installing iDeviceActivator===

	==From Debian package==
	dpkg -i ./iDeviceActivator_0.1_i386.deb

	==From binary snapshot==
	Extract iDeviceActivator to somewhere in your PATH.
	Extract data and res to /usr/local/share/iDeviceActivator

	==From Github==
	=First We Need to Install the dependencies=

	sudo apt-get install build-essential automake cmake autoconf \
	libreadline6 autotools-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev \
	libplist1 libplist-utils libplist-dev libplist++-dev \
	libzip-dev git-core git-arch git-cvs git-svn git-email \
	git-daemon-run gitk gitweb git-doc rsync curl libgnutls-dev libtool
	python-dev libreadline-dev libusb-dev libgtk2.0-dev

	=Now to get what we need from Git=

	git clone git://git.marcansoft.com/usbmuxd.git
	cd usbmuxd
	cmake ~/usbmuxd
	make && sudo make install

	cd ~

	git clone http://git.sukimashita.com/libimobiledevice.git
	cd libimobiledevice
	make && sudo make install

	sudo ldconfig

	cd ~

	git clone http://github.com/boxingsquirrel/iDeviceActivator.git
	cd iDeviceActivator
	make && sudo make install

/usr/local/bin/iDeviceActivator or Go to Applications->Accessories->iDeviceActivator

The UI is self-explanatory, with the exception of 'Make my life easier'. Simply put, this caches some important data ON YOUR MACHINE. This data allows you to get an activation record any number of times for a device if the initial activation was done with an official, legit sim. YOU WANT THIS!