This a real-time chat app build with Flutter and Dart using NodeJs and Firebase as backend.
Please Read Getting started steps at the bottom 👇
App Features:
- Real-time Chat.
- Phone Authentication with Firebase.
- ScopedModel for State Management.
- Pc or Mac.
- NodeJs (
- Flutter (
App Screenshots:
Getting started:
- Star ⭐ and clone this repo (Flutter app).
- Star ⭐ and clone the server repo (Node server.). and host it in Heroku or Locally If you want.
- Open AppModel.dart file and replace serverUrl variable value with your server url that you got from step 2.
- Go to, create a new app, and connect it to the flutter app.
- Make sure to enable in the Authentication section on the Sign-in Method tab: Sign in provider with Phone and you can test numbers to test with your emulators.
- Enjoy.
Contact me for work: