Here's a summary of what I've done in my application:

Ticketing System: I've developed a ticketing system that allows users to manage their tickets effectively.

User Authentication: Users can register and log in to the system securely. Authentication ensures that only authorized users can access ticket-related features.

Ticket Creation: Users can create new tickets by providing details such as title, description, category, and status. This feature helps users report issues or request assistance easily.

Ticket Editing: I've implemented functionality for users to edit their existing tickets. Users can update ticket details such as title, description, category, and status as needed.

Ticket Deletion: Users have the ability to delete their tickets if they no longer require them. This feature helps users manage their ticket lists and keep them organized.

Ticket Categorization: Tickets are categorized based on predefined categories, allowing users to classify their tickets according to different criteria such as priority, department, or issue type.

View Tickets by Category: Users can view their tickets grouped by category. This feature enables users to filter and focus on specific types of tickets, making it easier to track and manage them.

Navigation: I've included navigation elements like a navbar and dropdown menus for easy access to different parts of the application. This ensures a smooth user experience and seamless navigation between ticket-related functionalities.

Styling: I've used Bootstrap for styling to create a visually appealing and user-friendly interface. The application's design is clean, responsive, and consistent across different devices and screen sizes.

Overall, my application provides users with a robust ticket management solution, empowering them to create, edit, categorize, and view their tickets efficiently and intuitively.