
This analysis and visualization was done to examine the cocoa producing countries in the world and the regions in which the country is located Power Bi was used to carry out this analysis.

As od today, there are 58 Cocoa Producing countries producing an average of 89.67k Metric tons of Cocoa per Country. There are a few countries that stand out from the crowd among the many that produce cocoa beans. Cote d'Ivoire is one of them. This country produces 30% of the world's cocoa. Most of the cocoa used by well-known companies like Cadbury and Nestle comes from this nation. Another major producer of cocoa is Ghana. The GDP of the country is strongly influenced by cocoa output. Unfortunately, rising operating expenses have recently become a problem, encouraging cocoa smuggling to the Ivory Coast. The cocoa business in Indonesia is relatively young; production just began to pick up in the 1980s. The country is currently one among the world's leading producers. Brazil, Cameroon, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Mexico, Nigeria, and Peru are additional top cocoa producers. West Africa produces more than 70% of the world's cocoa which accounts for the majority of cocoa used in mass-produced chocolate.

Data Source: Data Vizualization: