Danny Ma SQL Challenge

By Okonkwo Chukwuebuka Malcom

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The 8 Week SQL Challenge is inspired by the Data With Danny virtual data apprenticeship program to celebrate the launch of his Serious SQL course! The SQL Challenge could be found Here

For the next 8 weeks - I challenge myself to:

  • Dedicate myself to learning SQL and practicing problem solving with SQL
  • Complete the 8 weeks Challenge using SQL
  • Write a Medium Post about the challenge and sharing my analysis

Each Week's Challenge and their Solutions

For Week One: Danny's Diner SQL Challenge

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In this case study, Danny owns a resaurant called Danny's Diner. Danny’s Diner is in need of your assistance to help the restaurant stay afloat - the restaurant has captured some very basic data from their few months of operation but have no idea how to use their data to help them run the business.

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I answered the case study quesions using MySQL Workbench. Check the links and documentations below

For Week Two: Danny's Pizza Runner Challenge

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In this case study, Danny own his own pizza store. Danny started by recruiting “runners” to deliver fresh pizza from Pizza Runner Headquarters (otherwise known as Danny’s house).

He has prepared for us an entity relationship diagram of his database design but requires further assistance to clean his data and apply some basic calculations so he can better direct his runners and optimise Pizza Runner’s operations.

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I approached the Data Cleaning tak using MySQL workbench and I porceeded to solving the case study questions. Check the links and documentations below