This is a Full stack application for Brainstorm force Senior frontend developer interview.

The application uses the spacex third party API to send and receive capsules data.

Video Link to the working application


  1. Fetching of capsules from the space,
  2. Ability to search for capsules based on serial number, type and status.
  3. Pagination feature built with vanilla javascript and React.

Tech stack

The following technologies were used:

  1. Reactjs (Frontend),
  2. Typescript (Frontend),
  3. Vanilla PHP (Backend),
  4. Jest (Unit testing),
  5. React testing library (Unit testing),
  6. SCSS,
  7. Tailwind CSS.

Start the application- Frontend

Follow these steps to run the frontend

  1. Run the command Yarn install in the project root folder to install all project dependencies.
  2. Start the application using Yarn dev.


Start the php server using the command below:

  • php -S localhost:8000