
This repo is meant to make it really easy to analyze the interplays between health and social media use.

Primary LanguagePython

Timeline analysis of your social media use and fitness data

This repo is a Python script that gets your LinkedIn and Fitbit data into the same schema. This should be flexible enough to incorporate more sources going forward.

The schema is stored in a namedtuple called Event

  • source -- either Fitbit or LinkedIn
  • metric_name -- things like comments, shares, hrv, hr, etc
  • timestamp -- the timestamp when this metric occured
  • metric_value -- the double value of the metric
  • content -- the content of the comment or share for LinkedIn, NULL for Fitbit

Request your Fitbit data from https://www.fitbit.com/settings/data/export After you get your export, dump it into data/fitbit and unzip it. (this usually takes 30ish minutes)

Request your LinkedIn data from https://www.linkedin.com/psettings/member-data (this can take up to TWO DAYS!) After you get your export, unzip an dump it into data/linkedin in the root of this repo

After you have both exports in the right place,

Run pip install -r requirements.txt to install Pandas if you don't have pandas installed

update your YOUR_FITBIT_NAME to whatever it shows in your path. Mine was ZacharyWilson

Once that is updated. Run the script with python runner.py

This will create three datasets output/all_events_on_timeline.csv output/daily_aggregates.csv output/pivoted.csv

You can use the pivoted.csv to create fancy charts like this in Tableau. My data is in the repo at zachs_pivoted_data.csv this