
Automatic graph for auto-discovered items for Zabbix

Primary LanguagePerl

Automatic graph for auto-discovered items

Originally created by mmarkwitzz. See: https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-cookbook/27037-automatic-graph-of-all-lld-items-per-host.

License: CC-BY. That basically means you are free to:

  • Share — copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format.
  • Adapt — remix, transform, and build upon the material for any purpose, even commercially.

What does this do?

The script creates a graph for automatically discovered items (LLD). For example you have applications on Tomcat server and you want to get a graph with a summary of all active sessions.

So for Tomcat sessions you might have item prototype "activeSessions {#JMXCONTEXT}". And now for your server you can have generated (discovered) items like:

  • "activeSessions /manager"
  • "activeSessions /"
  • "activeSessions /myapp##123"

The problem is "##123" changes with version of your app. You also want to automatically add any new apps to the graph. The script does just that. It generates a graph with all items stacked on each other. So effectively you get a graph of all active sessions.

See some examples on the forum: https://www.zabbix.com/forum/zabbix-cookbook/27037-automatic-graph-of-all-lld-items-per-host

How to use?

First you will need to create the items.

  1. Create a Zabbix template with some name (e.g. "AutoTomcatGraphs"). Note that the template can be empty or it can contain your auto-discovery configuration or whatever. Technically the script only uses this for filtering hosts.
  2. Add your template to hosts where you want to create graphs.
  3. Download *.pl scripts and put them somewhere on your Zabbix server.
  4. Install JSON for Perl (you don't have one already).
    • sudo apt-get install make
    • sudo apt-get install cpanminus
    • sudo cpanm JSON
  5. Modify config.default.pl and save file as config.pl.
  6. Run main script: perl ./lld_all_graph.pl.

Main things you need to change in configuration:

  • $password -- your Admin password.
  • $template -- your template for filtering hosts (e.g. "AutoTomcatGraphs").
  • $graph -- name for the graph. Note that the name must be unique. Graphs that already exist with that name will be replaced!
  • $regexes[0] -- this is a regular expression to match items for the graph. Just replace macros in you items with .+ and you should be fine. E.g. for activeSessions {#JMXCONTEXT} the regexp can be 'activeSessions .+'. If you want to be a bit more strict you might want to make sure you match the begging of the name (e.g. '^activeSessions .*').

Note! After testing your script you should run it automatically e.g. via cron or some other mechanism (like Jenkins). You can run this daily or weekly depending on your needs (depending on how often items change).

Resolving problems

Note that $url in the config is a url for Zabbix API (see documentation on the API). The script contains some diagnostic routines and should show you some information if your URL or password is incorrect.

Also note that if $regexes is incorrect then the script will run, but will not create any graphs. In other words if no items are found then you will only see a list of matched hosts.

Upon success you should see something like:

HOSTGROUP: Hypervisors (7)
HOSTGROUP: Linux servers (2)
   HOST: myserver (123)
      ITEM: activeSessions / (12301)
      ITEM: activeSessions /manager (12302)
      ITEM: activeSessions /myapp##123 (12303)
         Graph created: Active Sessions auto-stack (12)
HOSTGROUP: Templates/Applications (12)
HOSTGROUP: Templates/Databases (13)

You will see "Graph updated" (instead of "Graph created") on next run.

Note that numbers in parentheses are ids of matched items/graphs etc.