
Primary LanguagePython


Games of chance with lookahead. API and utilities.

Setup (Mac)

  1. Get homebrew.

  2. Install Python v3.6+

  $ brew install python
  1. Install PostgreSQL 11+
  $ brew install postgres
  1. Create the development database:
  $ createdb bigboxx-psql

Modify pg_hba.conf to allow database access without passwords. Locate the file by running locate pg_hba.conf in the command line.

Modify pg_hba.conf saved under the /etc folder - change md5 or peer to trust

Restart PostgreSQL

$ sudo service postgresql restart

Create a superuser under your username.

  $ sudo su - postgres
  postgres $ psql compt-psql
  # CREATE USER <your username>;
  # ALTER USER <your username> WITH SUPERUSER;

Verify that users postgres and <your username> have access to the database

  $ psql --user postgres
  $ psql --user <your username>
  1. Install Python modules
  $ pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  1. Link environment settings.
  $ cd bigboxx/
  $ ln -s ../conf/dev/settings.env ./.env
  1. Initialize the database schema.
  $ make migrate

Day-to-day development

  1. Run the Django server in a dedicated shell tab.
  $ make run

Django logger messages will appear in the shell.

  1. Use the URL http://localhost:8800/ to access the local app.

  2. When database migrations are required, generate the migration files.

  $ make migrations