
Simple twitter-like API.


  • follow/unfollow other users
  • post posts (the equivalent of tweets)
  • post quotes (the equivalent of quote tweets)
  • post response posts (the equivalent of twitter replies)
  • like/unlike other users' posts
  • tag posts
  • mention other users in posts
  • retrieve most popular tags in the last hour/day/week
  • user's feed based on popularity/recency of posts
  • notifications (when being quoted, responded to, or mentioned in another post)
  • report posts
  • search for users


Endpoint Method Request Params Request body Description
/api/users GET 'username' or 'search' (either one is required, they are mutually exclusive) - Returns a single user's info if the user having a certain 'username' exists. If 'search' is provided, then it returns a list of users whose names contain a certain phrase.
/api/users/me GET - - Returns the info about the user who is currently logged in.
/api/users/me PUT - 'displayedUsername', 'description', 'aviURL' Updates the info of the user who is currently logged in.
/api/users/register POST - 'username', 'email', 'password', 'password2' Creates a new user using the info from the request body.
/api/users/{uuid} GET - - Returns the info about the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/profile GET - - Returns the followers/follows counters of the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/knownFollowers GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of users who follow the user with specified uuid, and are also being followed by the user who is currently logged in.
/api/users/{uuid}/follow GET - - Returns the info whether currently logged in user follows the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/follow POST - - Makes the currently logged in user follow the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/follow DELETE - - Makes the currently logged in user unfollow the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/followers GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of users who are following the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/follows GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of users who are being followed by the user with specified uuid.
/api/users/{uuid}/recentPosts GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of the most recent posts of the user with specified uuid.
/api/tags GET 'name' - Returns the tag with specified name.
/api/tags/popular GET 'since' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of the most popular tags.
/api/tags/{uuid}/recentPosts GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of the most recent posts tagged with the tag with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid} GET - - Returns the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/info GET - - Returns the responses/likes/quotes counters of the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/responses GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of responses to the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/quotes GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of quotes of the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/like GET - - Returns the info whether the user who is currently logged in likes the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/like POST - - Makes the currently logged in user like the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts/{uuid}/like DELETE - - Makes the currently logged in user unlike the post with specified uuid.
/api/posts POST - 'content' Creates a new post (the author is the user who makes the request) that contains the text provided in the 'content' field of the request body.
/api/posts/{uuid}/responses POST - 'content' Creates a response to the post with specified uuid (the author of the response is the user who makes the request).
/api/posts/{uuid}/quotes POST - 'content' Creates a quote of the post with specified uuid (the author of the quote is the user who makes the request).
/api/posts/{uuid} DELETE - - Deletes the post with specified uuid (if the user who makes the request is the author of that post).
/api/reports GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' and/or 'checked' - Returns a list of reported posts.
/api/reports POST - 'reportedPostUuid', 'reason', 'description' Reports the post with uuid given in 'reportedPostUuid'.
/api/reports/{uuid} POST 'accept' - Marks the report with specified uuid as 'checked'. Whether the reported post gets removed depends on the value of the 'accept' parameter.
/api/notifications GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Returns a list of notifications of the currently logged in user.
/api/notifications/unreadCounter GET - - Returns the number of unread notifications of the currently logged in user.
/api/notifications/readAll POST - - Marks all notifications of the currently logged in user as 'read'.
/api/notifications/{uuid}/read POST - - Mark the notification with specified uuid as 'read'.
/api/feed GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Get the feed of the currently logged in user (only the most recent posts).
/api/feed/popular GET 'skip' and/or 'limit' - Get the feed of an anonymous user or the currently logged in user (only the most popular posts).

GET /api/users

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • username - provides exact username of a user whose data should be returned
  • search - provides a phrase that should be present in usernames of users whose data should be returned

Either one of these parameters is required, but both cannot be provided at the same time.

Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users?search=test

Response body:


GET /api/users/me

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/me

Response body:


PUT /api/users/me

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body:
  • displayedUsername - minimum length 1, max length 70
  • description - minimum length 1, max length 200
  • aviURL - optional
  "displayedUsername": "",
  "aviURL": "",
  "description": ""
Example request:-

POST /api/users/register

Requires auth: no

Request params: -
Request body:
  • email needs to be valid
  • username must have between 1-30 characters, and contain characters a-z/A-Z/0-9
  • password must have between 8-64 characters, and contain characters a-z/A-Z/0-9 + special characters
  • password2 must be the same as password
    "email": "",
    "username": "",
    "password": "",
    "password2": ""
Example request:-

GET /api/users/{uuid}

Requires auth: no

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/5f8dc959-611e-4910-a456-68a5e467b859

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/profile

Requires auth: no

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/5f8dc959-611e-4910-a456-68a5e467b859/profile

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/knownFollowers

Requires auth: yes

Request params:
  • skip - how many results should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many results at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/knownFollowers

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/follow

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/follow

Response body:


POST /api/users/{uuid}/follow

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

POST /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/follow

Response body:


DELETE /api/users/{uuid}/follow

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

DELETE /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/follow

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/followers

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many followers should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many followers at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/followers?skip=0

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/follows

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many follows should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many follows at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/4129a231-5307-47de-bc00-7031d0ecc31c/follows?skip=0

Response body:


GET /api/users/{uuid}/recentPosts

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many posts to skip (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many posts at most should be returned (defaults to 10 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/users/58f89413-a507-44eb-884b-20719dcbd74b/recentPosts?skip=0

Response body:

    "content":"Another test post",
    "content":"Test post ",

GET /api/tags

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • name - name of the tag (required)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/tags?name=test

Response body:


GET /api/tags/popular

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • since - how much time has to be taken into account when searching for the most popular tags (accepts 'hour'/'day'/'week' and defaults to 'hour' if not provided)
  • limit - how many tags at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/tags/popular?since=hour

Response body:


GET /api/tags/{uuid}/recentPosts

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many posts should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many posts at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/tags/bdc911f6-6af8-4b8b-9a62-663e78631439/recentPosts

Response body:

      "content":"Test #test",
      "content":"Tagged #test. ",
         "displayedUsername":"New User",
         "description":"This is my description",
      "content":"#test content",
         "displayedUsername":"Test user",
         "description":"My description",

GET /api/posts/{uuid}

Requires auth: no

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/posts/d784bf6a-0c28-42aa-9eb8-510a1faf726d

Response body:

   "content":"Test #test",

GET /api/posts/{uuid}/info

Requires auth: no

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/posts/d784bf6a-0c28-42aa-9eb8-510a1faf726d/info

Response body:


GET /api/posts/{uuid}/responses

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many responses should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many responses at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/posts/0c66c0b9-e7f6-4c28-8927-66e5e176b237/responses

Response body:

      "content":"Lorem Ipsum dolor sit amet",
         "displayedUsername":"New User",
         "description":"This is my description",

GET /api/posts/{uuid}/quotes

Requires auth: no

Request params:
  • skip - how many quotes should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many quotes at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/posts/ffd8cedf-442d-43b1-a553-032983a41fbc/quotes

Response body:

    "content":"Test quote",

GET /api/posts/{uuid}/like

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/posts/4cd5bc2d-10e2-43ab-a3ca-655aee2af3e9/like

Response body:


POST /api/posts/{uuid}/like

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

POST /api/posts/dbe0328e-e223-4c81-9f09-0ffd27daec86/like

Response body:


DELETE /api/posts/{uuid}/like

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

DELETE /api/posts/dbe0328e-e223-4c81-9f09-0ffd27daec86/like

Response body:


POST /api/posts

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body:
  • content - between 1-300 characters

Words that start with '#' and are 2-20 characters (a-z/A-Z/0-9) long are recognized as tags. Words that start with '@' and are valid usernames are recognized as attempts of mentioning another user.

    "content": "Test #post"
Example request:

POST /api/posts

Response body:


POST /api/posts/{uuid}/responses

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body:
  • content - between 1-300 characters

Words that start with '#' and are 2-20 characters (a-z/A-Z/0-9) long are recognized as tags. Words that start with '@' and are valid usernames are recognized as attempts of mentioning another user.

    "content": "Test response"
Example request:

POST /api/posts/19b1691f-dfae-4b22-9876-9e6a33e7c9d8/responses

Response body:


POST /api/posts/{uuid}/quotes

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body:
  • content - between 1-300 characters

Words that start with '#' and are 2-20 characters (a-z/A-Z/0-9) long are recognized as tags. Words that start with '@' and are valid usernames are recognized as attempts of mentioning another user.

    "content": "Test quote"
Example request:

POST /api/posts/19b1691f-dfae-4b22-9876-9e6a33e7c9d8/quotes

Response body:


DELETE /api/posts/{uuid}

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

DELETE /api/posts/7417443b-f522-4717-b5b7-4100b578151d

Response body:

    "deleted": true

GET /api/reports

Requires auth: yes (user must have admin privileges)

Request params:
  • skip - how many reports to skip (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many reports at most to return (defaults to 20 if not provided)
  • checked - whether the status of returned reports should be 'checked' or 'not checked' by the moderator (defaults to false)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/reports?checked=false

Response body:

      "postContent":"Test test",
      "description":"This post contains spam"

POST /api/reports

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body:
  • reportedPostUuid - uuid of the post that's being reported (required)
  • reason - valid values are: 'spam', 'abusive' or 'against_tos' (required)
  • description - optional description containing the detailed reasoning behind the report
    "reportedPostUuid": "",
    "reason": "",
    "description": ""
Example request:

POST /api/reports

Response body:

    "created": true

POST /api/reports/{uuid}

Requires auth: yes (user must have admin privileges)

Request params:
  • accept - if set to 'true' reported post will be deleted, otherwise it will be left unchanged
Request body: -
Example request:

POST /api/reports/0657e584-9801-42eb-9e02-a628a57c5be9?accept=false

Response body:

    "checked": true

GET /api/notifications

Requires auth: yes

Request params:
  • skip - how many notifications should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many notifications at most should be returned (defaults to 5 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/notifications

Response body:


GET /api/notifications/unreadCounter

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/notifications/unreadCounter

Response body:


POST /api/notifications/readAll

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

POST /api/notifications/readAll

Response body:


POST /api/notifications/{uuid}/read

Requires auth: yes

Request params: -
Request body: -
Example request:

POST /api/notifications/5ed16cd4-340e-4d55-888c-9ed9fe2c8cff/read

Response body:


GET /api/feed

Requires auth: yes

Request params:
  • skip - how many posts should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many posts at most should be returned (defaults to 20 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/feed

Response body:

      "content":"Test @mateusz :)",

GET /api/feed/popular

Requires auth:

  • if provided, the response contains the most popular posts selected for the currently logged in user
  • if not provided, the response contains the most popular posts globally in the previous 24 hours
Request params:
  • skip - how many posts should be skipped (defaults to 0 if not provided)
  • limit - how many posts at most should be returned (defaults to 20 if not provided)
Request body: -
Example request:

GET /api/feed/popular

Response body:

      "content":"Test @mateusz :)",
      "content":"Test #post",