
Software suite developed in 2021-2022 for autonomous data acquisition and control in closed-loop flow boiling experiments. Developed by Dr. Christopher Salmean at the Hong Kong University of Science and Techology.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Software suite developed in 2021-2022 for autonomous data acquisition and control in closed-loop flow boiling experiments. Developed by Dr. Christopher Salmean at the Hong Kong University of Science and Techology.

Closed-loop flow boiling setup consisting of the following controllable hardware, assembled as a flow loop as shown in the figure below. For more information about experimental setup, please see my published works on flow boiling.

Pump: HNP Mikrosystems mzr-2921,
Stepper motor controlled by Arduino Uno (generic motor),
DC power supply: Elektro-Automatik PS2000B, can also swap for HP 33120A signal generator and high-frequency amplifier,
DC-AC full-bridge MOSFET inverter controlled by Arduino Uno (made in-house),
Data Acquision Unit: Keithley Instruments DAQ6510, can also swap for Agilent 34970A.
Device: fabricated in HKUST's Nanosystem Fabrication Facility. Silicon chips with 5x aluminium heaters in series, wire-bonded to custom PCB in series with shunt resistor.

Flow loop

Here's a photograph of the experimental setup:

Since the code needed to respond to user inputs, monitor alarms, send control commands and receive data, it was decided to operate using asynchronous programming.

A summary of the various modules and their operation is shown below:
Code diagram 1

Since everything was written for my own experimental setup, it may take some work to get it working on your own hardware. However, I hope the annotation and explanatory diagrams above can help you to modify it as needed. I suggest you start with main and the configuration files, and adjust the hardware as necessary.

The Calibration_calculator file is specifically designed to work with the output of this control code when operating on calibration mode. Please check my papers to understand the experimental method.