- Understand the code that is in app.js
- Make sure that you can run it
From scratch, create a new JavaScript file that does something with the below API. You could:
- Create a new Story
- Change all of the Stories owned by Paul to you
- Automate some process that your customer wants done
- server - The server to connect to. [default: "rally1.rallydev.com"]
- username - The username to connect with. [required]
- password - The password to use to connect with. [required]
- version - The WSAPI version to use. [default: "1.36"]
var connection = new RallyConnection({
username: "paul@acme.com",
password: "SuperSecret!"
Tests the connection to Rally by hitting the Current User endpoint (/slm/webservice/{VERSION}/user.js).
Returns a Future object that when fulfilled will give you the JSON Object representing the User
conn.connect().when(function connected(user) {...});
- type - The type of Rally Artifact to find [required]
- fetch - The attributes you want to have returned
- query - The Rally Query to perform
- start - The starting object to find. 1-based index [default: 1]
- pagesize - The number of objects to return. [default: 200]
Returns a Future Object that when fulfilled will contain the results of the query.
type: "Task",
fetch: "Name,ScheduleState"
}).when(function foundTasks(results) {...});
Like find, but will get all objects that match the query.
See RallyConnection.find
Creates a Rally Object
conn.create("task", {
Task: {
Name: "New Name"
}).when(function creationCompleted(theNewTask) {...});
Updates a Rally Object
conn.update(someTask._ref, {
Task: {
Name: "New Name"
}).when(function updateCompleted(theUpdatedTask) {...});
Deletes a Rally Object
.when(function updateCompleted(theUpdatedTask) {...});