
💠 One of the easiest way to install SSR(ShadowsocksR) or WG(WireGuard) on your VPS.

Primary LanguageShell



One of the easiest way to install SSR(ShadowsocksR) or WG(WireGuard) on your VPS.

SSR Client

SSR Client

WG Client (Platform: OSX)

$ /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
$ brew install wireguard-tools
$ mkdir /usr/local/etc/wireguard/
$ cat > /usr/local/etc/wireguard/wg0.conf << !
  heredoc> {please run "cat /etc/wireguard/client.conf" on your vps and copy to here, AFTER "wg.sh" was installed}
  heredoc> !
$ sudo wg-quick up wg0

VPS Script

  • wg.sh - auto install WireGuard
  • ssr.sh - auto install ShadowsocksR
  • bbr.sh - auto install TCP BBR


Auto Install WireGuard Server only for Debian 9

Easy way:

  $ bash <(wget -O- http://tools.tisrop.com/wg.sh)

Or by this way:

  $ bash <(curl http://tools.tisrop.com/wg.sh)


Auto Install ShadowsocksR Server for CentOS/Debian/Ubuntu

Easy way:

  $ bash <(wget -O- http://tools.tisrop.com/ssr.sh)

Or by this way:

  $ bash <(curl http://tools.tisrop.com/ssr.sh)


Auto install latest kernel for TCP BBR (It is default supported on Debian 9.0+)

Easy way:

  $ bash <(wget -O- http://tools.tisrop.com/bbr.sh)

Or by this way:

  $ bash <(curl http://tools.tisrop.com/bbr.sh)