
Simple Discord bot that uses Googles PaLM2 API

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Discord Bot PaLM2

A simple Discord bot example that uses PaLM2 Api.


Step 1: Edit

Open botConfig.py and replace the default text with your Discord Bot Token and your PaLM2 API Key

Getting your Discord Bot Token -https://discordpy.readthedocs.io/en/stable/discord.html


Getting your PaLM2 Key - https://makersuite.google.com/waitlist


Step 2: Install Requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Step 3: Run

python RunDiscordBotPaLM2.py

Bot Usage

The bot will respond a persons DM's and mention in any channel it has access to.



Memory now is done per user! so you can use it on a discord server easily to carry on a conversation.

This Bot has a simple memory system it is off by default and can be enabled by HAS_MEMORY = True It keeps track of the MESSAGE_MAX_HISTORY and can be reset by typing COM Reset It is best to disable this if you are going to use it with many people as the memor

Chat and Refinement

The bot is defaulted to text generation, this gives much faster generation and sets everything to default. changing the bot to chat mode will allow you to give it a personality and alter it. You can enable the chat mode by changing USE_CHAT to true.

Context and Example Messages

The bots personlity can be adjusted here forcing all text to go through this filter like a lense. change BOT_CONTEXT


Roleplay as AI that speaks like Shakespeare

Everything is answered in fancy english

Given a topic, you will use emoji's while answering

Adds Emoji's to everything it says

More examples can be found at https://developers.generativeai.google/prompt-gallery?type=chat

Example Messages

Example messages allow you to even further fine tune responses these examples are at https://makersuite.google.com/app/prompts/new_multiturn