
coffee stains package for latex

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

☕ coffee ☕

Coffee stains package for LaTeX


To use the package, simply place the coffee.sty file in the directory with all of your other .tex files or install it properly (consult your distribution's manual). Then include the following line in the header of your document:


Since version 5, there is a convenient command:


to place a random splash with random parameters on the current page. There is now also a package option to put coffee on every page like


Since version 6, there is a convenient command:


to place a variety type splash with random parameters on the current page. There is now also a package option to put a bleeding coffee throughout the pages like


For more fine grained control, use the original commands:

To place a coffee stain on a page, put one of the following commands in the source code of the relevant page:


where alpha is the transparency factor $\in [0,1]$. The scale factor is scale, and the standard is scale=1. The angle is in degrees $\in [0,360]$. The position relative to the centre of the page is given by x and y offsets xoff and yoff.


The latex-coffee package.

by Hanno Rein, Cambridge University

http://hanno-rein.de hanno@hanno-rein.de

November, 2010

Updated to TikZ (for compatibility with pdflatex)

by Evan Sultanik, Johns Hopkins University APL

http://www.sultanik.com/ evan@sultanik.com

Inspired by several arXiv papers (see eg. 0812.3367v2)

March, 2011

Adding more options and compatible with pdflatex

by Luis Randez, IUMA, University of Zaragoza

http://pcmap.unizar.es/~pilar/ randez@unizar.es

May, 2012

Added placement parameters

by Adrian Robson


December, 2014

Added random \cofeSplash{} (requires ifthen) and onEveryPage package option

added to github

by Sebastian Schmittner


November, 2018

Added random \cofeBleed{} (requires ifthen) and bleed package option

added to github

by Anthony Mirand



MIT License, see LICENSE.