
a Discord Bot that retrieves Player stats, map locations, creator codes and AES keys using the Fortnite API

Primary LanguagePython


This Bot is currently deprecated, because the API which I used won't support most of the endpoints anymore. I'll update it at some times, but now it won't work. Please wait for my upodate, and then you can use it again :)


This repository may seem dead, but it isn't. If I don't tell otherwise above everything should be working from the codebase. It's just, that I may not always host the Bot.

Fortnite Discord Bot Logo

Fortnite Discord Bot

CodeQL Analysis

Invite to your server

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Features
  3. Setup
  4. Commands
  5. License


This Fortnite Discord Bot provides various functionalities related to Fortnite game statistics and information retrieval. It utilizes the Fortnite API to fetch player stats, AES keys, creator codes, map locations, and map images. The bot is integrated with Discord using discord.py and discord.app_commands.


  • Fetch player statistics for different input methods and game modes.
  • Retrieve AES key information.
  • Get Fortnite creator code details.
  • Provide map locations and coordinates.
  • Display the Fortnite map image.



The Setup is only required, if you want to run the Bot locally. Otherwise, you can just invite it to the server and that's it


  • Python 3.x
  • Discord.py library
  • Fortnite API access


  1. Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/EchterAlsFake/Fortnite_Discord_Bot
  2. Install dependencies: pip install discord hue_shift fortnite-api
  3. Create a config.ini file with your Fortnite API key and Discord Bot token:
fortnite_api_key = YOUR_FORTNITE_API_KEY
client_secret = YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN

Running the Bot

Run the bot using the following command: python main.py


  • /player_stats <player_name> <gamemode> <input_method>: Fetches and displays statistics for a specified Fortnite player.
  • /get_creator_code_info <creator_code>: Retrieves information related to a given Fortnite creator code.
  • /get_aes_key: Returns the current AES key used in Fortnite.
  • /get_map_locations: Provides a list of map locations with coordinates.
  • /get_map_image: Displays the current Fortnite map image.


Licensed under GPL 3 Copyright (C) 2023 Johannes Habel