
Checking in base bootstrap to test possibility of theming off the source code.

Primary LanguageHTML

Bootstrap sass theme tool

A simple html, css and js tool I use to make modified bootstrap components by applying some sass glue.


The main function is a specific builder. the src directory contains all the html, the builder dynamically adds everything into the build/ directory on npm run build.

Static & Public

The static directory contains the bootstrap source code and should never need to change, unless a newer version is required. The public directory is where all your images etc. will be added and will be copied along with the source to the build/ directory.


The main Sass glue. All overriding/helper classes functions and variables should go here. Ideally every instance of this repository should be it's own theme.


npm run dev

  • Runs a development server on port 1011. (Navigate to your file's path)
  • Watches sass file and automatically builds to theme.css in src.
  • Changes in html and sass requires hard refresh of the browser for now. SOZ.
  • The development server uses CDN versions of the Bootstrap.


If you want to add custom css and js, do so in your public folder and link it :)