

Closed this issue · 6 comments


Thanks for writing this awesome library. I had a question about the docs - you mention this method:

[_circleProgressBar setProgress:(CGFloat)progress animated:(BOOL)animated duration:(CGFloat)duration];

But it appears its not in the library. Turns out it is exactly what I need, any chance you have it or have plans to implement?


sorry, noticed I just needed to pull from the git not the cocoapod, sorry to bug!

Hi @itjunkii,

It's strange that it isn't available in CocoaPods, I pushed new specs...

Thanks for mentioned it, I will recheck it


Looks like there is a bug with duplicated symbol, that's why it was rejected by CocoaPods.

Thank you @itjunkii,

I fixed the bug and sent a new spec to cocoa pods, so soon it will be available through CocoaPods.


Nice! Thanks @Eclair, love the control!

Thanks @itjunkii,

You can star it then, btw :)