- 0
How do we do the track tickness
#25 opened by ArunApsi - 5
How to handle animation completion?
#23 opened by zulkarnain-shah - 4
Anti-clock wise progress
#12 opened by SagarSDagdu - 2
- 6
Progress Duration is Wrong
#20 opened by bchessin - 1
Action (User Input)
#19 opened by felipeaugusto1 - 1
- 3
Transparent hintViewBackgroundColor
#17 opened by ugochirico - 1
Start angle defaults to 90
#16 opened by nin-amsiq - 1
IB_DESIGNABLE for CircleProgressBar Not Working
#10 opened by talezion - 3
Set line cap
#11 opened by dkhamsing - 5
CircleProgressBar doesn't update progress value when animated change method is called very often
#7 opened by afiq90 - 6
#6 opened - 0
Custom progress change animation time
#5 opened by Eclair - 8
- 3
Background is black no matter what
#3 opened by npahucki