
A Mindustry mod made for fun, which aims to expand the world of PTER and give you a unique campaign experience.

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


Endless Rusting


Endless Rusting was origionaly made because I wanted to try learn java, but now I'm continuing to work on it because I'm finding it fun. The mod is about fleshing out the lore of PTER, and adding new mechanics which fit with vanilla.

As of current, I am taking a break from content mods for around two week so if anything happens it'll be awhile before a fix comes.

V7 Compatability

I've got plans for full v7 compatability, though I'm not sure whats to come. Units are now compatable, and so is the dialog, but I've got to wait and see if everything works for the next BE build.


Required applications

  • JDK 8.


Plain Jar: gradlew build Dexify Plain Jar: gradlew dexify Build Plain & Dexify Jar: gradlew buildDex


Plain Jar: ./gradlew build Dexify Plain Jar: ./gradlew dexify Build Plain & Dexify Jar: ./gradlew buildDex

Notes: use the plain jar for windows. If you're compiling for android, build the dexed jar instead. Dexed jars tend to be much larger, and are unnecessary if you can compile a plain jar.


Researchable Blocks ingame

This one's a big one. Certain blocks now require both researching in the Tech tree (In campaign) and researching ingame to use. This will Stop you from simply rushing down the new Technology. To compensate though, the researchable blocks are stronger than their vanilla counterparts, or feature some new mechanic. Most research costs are below a thousand of one material, though they tend to be mixed depending on the block's usage and practical applications.


A weird substance which is simulated by mindustry, and is colletable from the air. Used in various tech, such as defense, production and support

Mount Abiities

Units can have abilities which draw as though they are weapons. Various mounts can do different things such as charging up building, or healing units. At the moment, theres only one unit which is planned to have these, with two types of mounts and no weapons.

Smart AI

As it turns out, having units which can do various tasks isn't to powerful. The new suport units in this mod are able to

  • Mine resources and bring them back to the core
  • Defend themselves or other units
  • Track down damaged allies and heal them
  • Flee back to repair points or cores
  • Prioritize targets next to damaged allies

Damaging Weather

Weather which can rain bullets from the sky has been added! I'm working to make the impact of the weather on gameplay noticible enough that it becomes something that the player should think about, but not be the entire focus of their time spent in the storm.

Primitive Logic Systems

Ever wanted to make a dance pad without much logic? Well now you... kind of can. Basic logic transfers 4 pieces of information like normal logic systems, except blocks read the information in a different way! You will have to reformat the information into a readable form for the blocks to do what you expect them to, or mess around with unintentional interactions between sender and reciever.

New Status Effects

Spreading Status Effects

The more the merrier, untill theres a ton of infected units with no way to heal them all. Spreading status effects tend to be applied for longer, do less damage and tend to have some quirk that affects the unit directly.

Crystal status effects

Slows the unit down drasticaly, and draws a spiky crystal around it(consider making this occasionally shoot crystals, which are the basis of how it spreads, rather then just randomly spreading). That's about it.

Custom status effects

Status effects that have special effects like no other! Find out more about them in their descriptions, these special snowflakes will soon get their own title.

Wheres Pixelcraft's regular update schedule gone?


Lore Summary

(Note: Skip past this part if you don't want any spoilers)

You are connecting to a simulation known as Mindustry, filled with Corruption, unpurgable by nearly all means. A single other port knows of your existence, reawakened as you start to load up what you call a "game", only to realise that there is much, much more going on underneath it's cute lil graphics and colourful, spore ridden lands.

The Void, the culmination of errors in the simulation awakens once more to haunt it's new toy, though you control the most resilient port ever to land on the corrupted fields. Seemingly out of frustration, it tears a hole in the simulation's fabric, accidentally bring over an old save state of a planet. A Mysterious man comes to greet you and helps you throughout your journey on this new untouched land. The Natives however, might not be so obliging to being concoured.

You, the player must fight your way to numerous challenges, controlling a Port to these lands. Suffering inside, your only true ally in Endless Rusting requires your help to purge the Simulation from enough of the Void to stop it's influence over the Simulated system. Cruelty is a tool, one that the Player will use as they acquire weapons of death and decimation, unbeknownst as to how their every action can affect the flow of the story.

Maps in cannonical order

Incipiens Grounds



Silenced by your landing, the perfect place to settle down. Collect copper and lead. Disarm active traps. Fend off the invaders. They were wrong to come and ruin the peace. It was going to be just you. A flooded landscape, which was home to some, but that was awhile ago. There's an abundance of resources here, and machines which were assumed to be inactive. The natives must have been invaded often, as you can see some still active landmines, or not because they're hidden until they activate. So much for minesweeping. You can however use them against attackers to hold off early waves or leave room for mistakes.

Waves: 6 Possible spawn locations out of them two will be chosen. This might seem annoying, but remember, this is only the spawn location! The opposition are forced into one of two paths, one being longer if you force them into it. pathes diagram

With multiple guardian waves, during the canonical 23 waves, you might want to get ready for the native's wrath, as after wave 5 you'll see abandoned support units fending off you, the invader trying to protect their old home. After wave 20, you'll see a difficulty spike, as extra Maces spawn in, alongside fast, suport units which heal others, chase down units and have bouncing bullets which also home in on their targets. Thought that the starting sector was supposed to go easy on you? Well, kinda. Theres a lil trick you can do, where you bait these advanced support units into air defense, them being to focused on you to notice that they're dying quickly. This little trick can help clear out the guardians quickly, and is extremely helpful during the last 3 waves. Air units only spawn with guardians, which may be a good or bad thing depending on whether you've prepared for being rushed down or not.

Difficulty: Peaceful/Easy

###Plantae Preservae Domae image

Intro: Conflict between the enemy and the natives is in session, as they knew you'd try to come ask for help. Unfortunately for the Crux, it seems like the natives were ready to repourpose the resource collecting base into a fortress. The place is flooded, and a river runs through the middle of the map. Sand is quite abundant, as with the other resources here, such as the copper, lead and coal.

Base: The blue base consists of two outposts, and one main fort. It's advised to leave the Crux base alive, as it draws the attacks from blue away from you, while you prepear your forces. Theres two easy ways to deal with the presense. Strike the ruined center outpost first. You'll want to clear a way to this part of the fort. image It's the easiest to crash into with t1 navals, and if nescecary, using ground units to tank shots from the boomerang and pannel turrets can be a good stratagy.

Alternatively, attack the leftmost part of the base with your naval and air units. stratagy Theres two nodes you'll want to prioritize in your attack. Either use bombing on the rightmost node, or use minkes to snipe the left most node. This will leave a significant amount of the defenses unpowered, including the turrets which inflict long burning.

Waves: Not much threat is present here, as the natives were quite startled when the Cruc and you arived. The guardians come on waves 16 and 32, though they're quite weak and if you let them, they die on the Crux base. Only thing to watch out for are the Marrows, which can cause massive group damage if positioned right. Don't let them catch you offguard when you attack. They come from wave 10 and onwards. Other than that, suport units come in to deflect bullets and defend at waves 3 for t1, and 23 for t2. They can be easly be baited into some AA similar with you you baited them over in Incipens Grounds.

Difficulty: Easy

Pailean Coridors


Intro: A somewhat peaceful basin, with water seeping in. Some buildings are intact from an age of technological advancement. Why they're in ruin, nobody knows. Theres exposed titanium, coal, copper, lead and scrap here. Before any opposition arrives, use the exposed minerals and resources to defend yourselves, as the corridors will be peaceful no more.

Waves: Two spawn points, and an ever growing amount of ground units means that you'll want to focus on artillery and avoid focusing to much on the encroaching air forces, especially since they arrive much later. Theres 45 waves in the cannon appearance of the opposition, and a guardian wave, containing a t4 from vanilla.

Difficulty: Easy/Medium

Abysal Crevasse


Intro: An almost infected looking mountainside map, with geodes full of a volatile materiel. The walls are full of shards of this, however the geodes hold the only harvestable sources of this precious commodity, until we learn how to extract this crystal from the walls. The water here is filled with dust from the crystal, having slowly sept into the water after initially being released. Similar machines to the ones seen in Pailean Coridors are present here, only there seems to be something new...

Aside from the crystals, resources are somewhat scarce here, featuring a small amount of titanium veins in particular. Copper and lead however are not a problem, as our miners know how to get the most out of the scarce veins. Coal and sand are both present here, allowing us to make silicon for advanced electronics and mining drones. We can also use the infected water, as the dust poses no threat to our machinery once pumped out and separated from the water, though using the water in it's raw form will jam normal machines.

Waves: Two spawnpoints, with an ever growing amount of spawned low tier units and multiple guardian waves. Strap yourself in. There are 38 waves in the cannon appearance of the opposition. Thankfully, there's a 3-9 wave period where enemies sustain heavy enough damage that they die before reaching our core. The ruins sure contain some helpful machines, including ones which can shoot! Don't stay too long, as there's a guardian on wave 66 which likes to ruin things. All guardians seem to be followed by a miniwave of units, possibly protecting them. Thankfully, the guardian which appears before the ending isn't that strong.

Difficulty Medium/Hard

Volen Channels


Intro: A heavly fortified weapon testing facility, that has pleanty of experemental weapons and tech.

Lots of starting resources are present here, however crammed into the top half of the map, becoming more scarce the further you push into enemy territory. Theres also hot spots here and small puddles present, scattered around the place. A verry scarce amount of naturaly formed taconite is exposed, however is more than enough to fuel more taconite minning. The real problem here comes with the amount of sand there is, as it's quite scarce. A good way to handle this is to use water cooling in drills, allowing them to mine at an increased rate.

A salty spray appears every now and then, the cause unknown. It's only noticible effect is making air units salty, however this makes water noticibly more dangerous, as when salty units get wet, corroded is applied, however removing the moisture from the unit. A posible cause for this salty spray is

Base: The green base is a whole base, heavy fortified and defended from most points. There is a unit factory here which produces Forgotten units, to put constant preasure on you, though it is quite exposed in it's placement and a few flares could likely take it out. Multiple cores are present, and lots of turrets can be spotted. The natives have come across modern day technology, and have started using it. Examples would be the waves, scatters and hails spotted. Theres also experemental weapons that the natives invented, such as spraien, rangi and octain. These three guns are unique comapred to what we've seen so far, one being able to reload while no target is found and another being able to spawn cloudy orbs.

Theres two things to note about the base, which can help it make it seem weaker than it actualy is.

planning out our attack The botom-most part of the fort is open for strikes, and is directly where the unit factory and core are.

image This part of the base is easly hittable, howver destroying it is not nescecary, at first anyways. You can use horizon bombers to cary and bomb this part of the base with flamibles, although this can be costly with the scarce amount of sand there is.

Waves: Despite the massive fortifications, the offensive capability it has isn't that much. The waves are quite weak, the only real threat coming out on wave 30; A T3 Forgotten unit gets sent out from a core on this wave, and can be challenging to deal with. A good thing to keep in mind is that shock mines exist. These can help take down the guardian's health before it gets to your base. It makes another appearence on wave 60, however with T2 Forgotten units by it's side. These can be a pain to deal with, so remmeber to place a few waves nearby to put out fires. They are faster than the guardian itself, and they appear to be used to deal some damage before the guardian shows up and ruins it's target's day.