
A cloned & maintained version of vue-mapbox

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

V-Mapbox 🗺

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Combine powers of Vue.js and Mapbox GL JS

NOTE: This is a maintained version of vue-mapbox

V-Mapbox is wrapper around Mapbox GL JS library that provides vueish-way to interact with the map.

Description and documentation


git clone git@github.com:geospoc/v-mapbox.git
cd v-mapbox
npm install

Running in dev mode:

npm run serve

Build for production:

npm run build


Start documentation site in development mode:

npm run docs:dev

Build documentation:

npm run docs:build

Inspired by KoRiGaN's Vue2Leaflet.



FOSSA Status


Please contribute using Github Flow. Create a branch, add commits, and open a pull request