- 2
- 0
Unnecessary extra evaporation variable
#274 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 11
Trap variable is not found with BMI
#271 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 4
soil temperature can become imaginary number
#270 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 0
Add a log file
#268 opened by BSchilperoort - 6
- 0
Unable to perform assignment because the size of the left side is 1-by-1 and the size of the right side is 1-by-6.
#259 opened by weikaj - 0
- 1
Add documentation, Github Action for Dockerfile
#215 opened by BSchilperoort - 0
Fix miss_hit instructions
#222 opened by SarahAlidoost - 2
Add a mkdocs doc page
#263 opened by SarahAlidoost - 0
- 0
Prepare for minor release 1.6.1
#261 opened by SarahAlidoost - 1
- 7
- 0
Add stemmus_scope to zenodo
#258 opened by SarahAlidoost - 1
Make a release
#253 opened by SarahAlidoost - 3
Track time during model run
#251 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 36
- 0
"Arrays have incompatible sizes for this operation" errror on strings comparison
#248 opened by Crystal-szj - 1
- 11
- 5
- 0
Remove the findPhreaticSurface function
#244 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 3
- 1
- 1
- 13
STEMMUS_SCOPE BMI: which variables to expose
#209 opened by BSchilperoort - 33
- 5
Variable names and meaning
#211 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 3
- 8
Variables from STEMMUS_MODFLOW that needs to be included in STEMMUS_SCOPE for BMI purposes
#212 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 0
- 3
- 2
- 3
- 4
How the surface runoff is handled in STEMMUS?
#232 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 0
Passphrase request when comparing two branches
#236 opened by SarahAlidoost - 2
The Variable "C6_a" is not recognized
#227 opened by MostafaGomaa93 - 1
- 0
in function [es, s] = satvap(T), the derivative of es to temperature s (kPa/C) needs a correction
#225 opened by bobzsu - 0
- 0
ModelSettings.KT incorrectly described
#206 opened by BSchilperoort - 19
- 2
sfactor is not used?
#198 opened by yijianzeng - 0
- 0
Check model still runs if one setting is changed
#196 opened by SarahAlidoost - 0
Explain `subRoutine` in functions `calculateDTheta` and `calculateTheta`
#192 opened by SarahAlidoost - 0
- 1
Avoid duplication of variables
#188 opened by SarahAlidoost