
Request for addition of 15118-20 ACDP to Exificient jar

cienporcien opened this issue · 0 comments

I'm working on adding ACDP support to 15118-20.

In Josev EVCC, when encoding ACDP_VehiclePositioningReq, I get the following, which I think indicates that the Exificient .jar file hasn't been built with ACDP support:

INFO 2023-11-24 10:23:16,384 - iso15118.shared.exi_codec (255): Message to encode (ns=urn:iso:std:iso:15118:-20:ACDP): {"ACDP_VehiclePositioningReq": {"Header": {"SessionID": "45E3EE715D0ACE6A", "TimeStamp": 1700817781}, "EVMobilityStatus": true, "EVPositioningSupport": false}}
ERROR 2023-11-24 10:23:16,398 - iso15118.shared.exi_codec (260): EXIEncodingError in urn:iso:std:iso:15118:-20:ACDP with {"ACDP_VehiclePositioningReq": {"Header": {"SessionID": "45E3EE715D0ACE6A", "TimeStamp": 1700817781}, "EVMobilityStatus": true, "EVPositioningSupport": false}}: Unknown error: javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException

with linked exception:
Exception Description: A descriptor with default root element ACDP_VehiclePositioningReq was not found in the project]

If this is the case, would it be possible to add the ACDP xsd to the jar?

Best regards,