- 1
How to start the EVCC in discharging mode?
#256 opened by shubh2016shiv - 0
Validation of DC_ChargeLoopReq fails due to (optional) message element 'DisplayParameters::ChargingComplete' of DC_ChargeLoopReq
#434 opened by abilal-akkodis - 3
TLS Handshake fails with Hubject PKI due to Extended Key Usage in root certificates
#430 opened by acnixvkh - 0
- 0
- 0
Running Josev/ISO15118 local with ISO15118-20 dc config JSON file on Raspberry Pi: EVCC terminates data link after Timeouts_EVCC_ONGOING_TIMEOUT s
#427 opened by Chengta-code - 0
Order of supportedProtocols is not preserved
#424 opened by js-tud - 1
Need help with Neighbor Solicitation Requests
#423 opened by LucaBazooka42 - 0
Spelling mistake in DCEVSEStatusCode enum
#420 opened by raoulKalkman - 0
Inconsistencies in secc/interface
#418 opened by raoulKalkman - 0
- 3
- 0
Stop Charging Issue with Electro Vehicle (EV) Simulator 1.1 (Codico) for DC EV Charger
#413 opened by Anita-mahale - 0
IPv6 macOS Docker host networking beta feature
#411 opened by marioleed - 0
Follow ISO15118-2-2014, Supported ports
#410 opened by Baymax-Rob - 1
Unclear documentation in is_contactor_opened
#406 opened by raoulKalkman - 2
Offering Plug and Charge even when the SECC signals No_TLS security (even for ISO15118-2)
#341 opened by anudeep-20 - 1
Bug in PydanticBaseModel for ISO20 Messages
#399 opened by TGruett - 1
Getting started with SECC example
#372 opened by ziyadtarek7 - 7
EXI parsing error for ScheduleExchangeRes
#389 opened by heavyweight87 - 1
- 0
Some EVCC errors cause program to hang forever
#379 opened by clerouxgit - 2
- 2
evse_notification incorrectly used to detect shutdown request from EVSE in dinspec
#356 opened by heavyweight87 - 5
EVCC keeps alive after charging session finishes
#357 opened by touchlinux - 2
Is there a more detailed manual
#355 opened by minner2 - 2
make install-local
#360 opened by KhaledEssam24 - 0
When TimeoutError occurred, StreamWriter close will be hold for a long time and failed with Connection timed out finally.
#293 opened by longrudev - 3
EXIDecodingError occurred while processing message in state AuthorizationSetup
#280 opened by shubh2016shiv - 0
SoC AC charging - ISO15118-2
#331 opened by Alfa-Valor - 0
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- 10
EXICodec encoding time inconsistent
#309 opened by Alfa-Valor - 3
Packet Size EOF Bug / Problem
#320 opened by Alfa-Valor - 0
Support SSL Key Logging
#314 opened by kaabia - 1
How to pause the charging process EVSE side?
#303 opened by lovalova1991 - 0
Set ScheduleControlMode
#301 opened by GUANMINLIAO - 2
ISO15118-2 TLS fails.
#295 opened by coollhc77 - 2
- 0
Understanding State ScheduleExchange
#291 opened by GUANMINLIAO - 1
No timeout for DC_PreCharger
#281 opened by plpabla - 1
ISO 15118-2 revisions missing from schema files.
#277 opened by GravisZro - 3
"make build" error occurs
#268 opened by coollhc77 - 3
Runing DC in 0.20.0
#270 opened by GUANMINLIAO - 1
Running Josev/ISO15118 in Docker on Raspberry Pi: EVCC terminates data link for no apparent reason
#230 opened by alexander-kurz - 0
TypeError: stop_state_machine() takes 2 positional arguments but 6 were given
#258 opened by adoebber - 0
- 0
EXICodec.jar problem
#242 opened by fallenfallen - 0