- 1
EV simulator support
#40 opened by FilippoCeccherini - 1
- 0
`make dev` fails with `SetKey Timeout`.
#50 opened by OrangeTux - 1
- 0
`make dev` fails `EnvValidationError`
#48 opened by OrangeTux - 1
`make build` fails with flake8 related errors.
#44 opened by OrangeTux - 0
- 2
evse_id value
#42 opened by MarkG-PE - 1
#41 opened by christian-poljac - 0
MyPy type errors
#35 opened by mdwcrft - 0
pyslac ModuleNotFoundError
#33 opened by dhje0ng - 0
Pause Communication
#23 opened by tropxy - 0
- 0
Check if we are compliant
#15 opened by tropxy - 0
Autocharge MAC EVSE ID extraction (plcstat)
#9 opened by tropxy