
Client side modeling using JS

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Visual raster tests

This repo contains some examples of per pixel image processing using HTML5 canvas element and some javascript code. There are 3 examples:

  • flood_fill.html: shows how to use flood fill technique.
  • contour_tracing.html: search contour for shapes with the same color. Clicking on the image the contour of the selected color is highlight.
  • threshold.html: filter image based on a threshold changed by user. In this example an altitude map is shown and can be filtered using a slider.

In order to run examples you should put files in a public folder of your http server. This is because security issues with cross domain images using canvas element:

$ git clone git://github.com/Vizzuality/visualraster.git
$ cd test_pixel
$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer
$ open http://localhost:8000 (on osx)

If you want to run the maps_threshold example locally, you will need to run a small proxy server to bypass the CANVAS tag cross domain policy in order to manipulate remote tiles.

Install node.js and run the proxy.js like so:

$ git clone git://github.com/Vizzuality/visualraster.git
$ cd test_pixel
$ node proxy.js
$ open http://localhost:8080/maps_threshold.html (on osx)