
Community, etc, masterplan

Opened this issue · 4 comments

  • Coveralls for code coverage
  • Code of conduct
  • CONTRIBUTING guidelines
  • .zenodo.json + auto-push to zenodo + badge (see here)
  • Auto-build documentation Documenter.jl
  • Activate to submit PR to METADATA upon release
  • Report the status from pkg.julialang (solved in c1258ab)

Attobot is active :-)
With regards to code of conduct and contributing guidelines, I like the ones you've put in GBIF.jl - should we just copy them, or agree on one set to store centrally (with a link in the readme?)

I think for the COC etc it would be better to have them in a central place. Maybe a repo to have a web page + these documents? We can also do issue / pull request templates, which in general are useful.

👍 to both, though I've never tried working with PR templates.

I've activated codecov, how is that different from coveralls?