
Backend for EcoTech

Primary LanguagePython

WCE Hackathon - EcoTech Backend

Welcome to the Backend Repo for EcoTech

EcoTech is a platform for reporting E-Waste effeciently and thereby reducing the damage to the environment cauesd by the E-Waste

Ecotech is based on a business model which makes it sustainable both for the earth and money wise

We use an ML Image Classifier which can be found here as a first layer filter for identification of e-waste

You can find the deployed version of this here

Lets get started with bringing up the backend

There are 3 ways to bring the backend up depending on the configuration you are most comfortable with

  1. Directly Run The Server

  2. Run the Server in a container (using Docker & Docker-Compose)

  3. Run The Server inside a Kubernetes Node

1. Directly Run The Server 🤖

Make sure you have a startup.sh file in the root (take reference from the example.startup.sh) or just directly execute these commands

foo@bar:~$ pip install -r requirements.txt
foo@bar:~$ python manage.py makemigrations
foo@bar:~$ python manage.py migrate
foo@bar:~$ python manage.py runserver

This will start the server at http://localhost:8000

to create an admin user

foo@bar:~$ python manage.py createsuperuser
username: foo
email: foo@bar.com
password: bar
password(again): bar

after that you can visit the admin panel at : https://localhost:8000/admin If you want to get access to the api documentations go to : https://localhost:8000/swagger

2. Using Docker & Docker Compose 🐳

Make sure you have the entrypoint.sh file in the project root. (refer the example.entrypoint.sh file)

foo@bar:~$ docker-compose up

This will start the server at http://localhost:8000 You should expect an output similar to this: docker-compose up

3. Using Kubernetes ❄️

Make sure you have the entrypoint.sh file in the project root. (refer the example.entrypoint.sh file) Create a dev.env file (refer example.dev.env) Make sure you have minikube installed on your system (alongside preferably docker as a driver) Considering meet these criterias follow the steps

Give (All) Permissions to the shell scripts to execute

foo@bar:~$ chmod +x orchestrate.sh
foo@bar:~$ chmod +x ip.minikube.sh
foo@bar:~$ chmod +x cluster.status.sh
foo@bar:~$ chmod +x stop_orchestrate.sh

Start the minikube node

foo@bar:~$ minikube start

You should expect a similar output Minikube start

Apply Kubernetes Configs

foo@bar:~$ ./orchestrate.sh

Check Cluster Status

foo@bar:~$ ./cluster.status.sh

Kube Cluster Status Start Kubernetes Dashboard

foo@bar:~$ minikube dashboard

Kube Dash Get IP Address to the Minikube Node

foo@bar:~$ ./ip.minikube.sh

Kube Cluster Status Open the IP in the browser You will be able to access the server at ip:port/ You can access the swagger API Docs at /swagger Swagger Admin: Admin Admin Kubernetes Dashboard Admin Thats all, you have successfully Brought Up the server.

If you want to directly access the server, it is deployed at https://eco-tech.herokuapp.com/swagger You can also access the Postman Collection here

Finally , Thank You very much for following along.

You can visit the other services in the project here Happy Coding 😉