
Record and replay mouse movements. An utility written in vanilla javascript.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Record and replay mouse movements. An utility written in vanilla javascript.

What's That?

This is a small util which allows you to record basic mouse events (move, clicks, scroll) and events and replay then later.

What Can I Do With It?

You can replay a client's session for many reasons: replicating a bug, see user's behaviour, etc..

A Demonstration, Please

  1. git clone this repo.
  2. Open demo/src/demo.html on your browser.
  3. Play!

Cool! How do I Use It?

  1. You'll have to include wix-client-recorder.min.js in your project.
  2. You can call any of the following functions from your javascript call: Recorder.start - to start a fresh reording of a page. Recorder.stop - stop current reocrding Recorder.play - playback the current recording, or play some saved recording Recorder.printTable - print recording to console as table Recorder.printJson - print recording to console as json Recorder.getSteps - get an object with all recorded steps Recorder.setDebug - set to true if you want a verbose messages on the console.

I want to contribute to this utility - how can I do that?

  1. install npm (https://www.npmjs.com/)
  2. install Grunt (http://gruntjs.com/)
  3. git clone git@github.com:danielwix/wix-client-recorder.git
  4. cd wix-client-recorder
  5. run: npm i && grunt
  6. modify some code. Don't forget to run grunt before you commit.