- 4
- 5
New version
#109 opened by utf - 8
Numba warnings
#110 opened by kp992 - 4
- 5
eval_spline() doesn't recognize argument `k=`
#106 opened by fblasutt - 4
Errors with multidimensional outputs
#104 opened by Mv77 - 2
- 7
Is the dependency on tempita necessary?
#101 opened by jan-janssen - 2
"interp" not working with python 3.11
#103 opened by flowerpower13 - 2
Python 3.10 support
#98 opened by jan-janssen - 9
Documentation for derivatives
#94 opened by Mv77 - 6
`curses` requirement?
#97 opened by Mv77 - 3
- 0
- 1
Import jitclass error
#92 opened by clarkphd - 1
Documentation link broken
#91 opened by Mv77 - 5
1D interpolation with eval_linear
#89 opened by grburgess - 2
- 0
DOC: reorganize
#88 opened by albop - 1
restore computation of derivatives to splines
#41 opened by albop - 6
Interpolation on a 2D cloud of points
#79 opened by thomasaarholt - 3
- 6
TypingError: Failed in nopython mode pipeline
#81 opened by Alalalalaki - 2
Failing to import jitclass from numba
#80 opened by TheBobby - 0
- 5
Add boundary conditions
#69 opened by albop - 2
eval_linear raises numba error on master
#78 opened by thomasaarholt - 1
Support Complex numbers
#72 opened by joseabernal - 1
Add derivative evaluation for splines
#68 opened by albop - 9
Conda and pip versions.
#60 opened by grburgess - 1
Shall we keep a file ?
#62 opened by albop - 0
Add shape preserving splines
#71 opened by albop - 0
Add custom extrapolation.
#70 opened by albop - 0
Add hermite Interpolation for cubic splines.
#67 opened by albop - 7
- 0
- 2
Extrapolation with class interface
#43 opened by pkofod - 3
Replacement for scipy's RegularGridInterpolator
#55 opened by jvines - 2
- 1
Setup CI and automatic PyPi releases.
#59 opened by albop - 2
One fix found for an error in
#56 opened by aouazad - 1
- 6
Not possible to use `eval_linear` with interpolation option ("xto.*") within jitted function
#52 opened by gboehl - 1
Example mlinterp not working
#51 opened by dangom - 2
No Module eval_cubic_cuda
#48 opened by avivajpeyi - 3
Unintended printing of generated code
#46 opened by pkofod - 2
Linear interpolation fails on ints
#49 opened by jstac - 1
test performances with Pythran
#42 opened by albop - 2
cannot import name 'UCGrid', 'CGGrid', or 'nodes'
#39 opened by arnauqb - 0
generalize filter_cubic
#40 opened by albop