
Connect TradingView with Interactive Brokers to process automated signals as entries and exits in an IB brokerage account.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Placing orders to IB TWS via Tradingview alerts webhooks

Connect TradingView with Interactive Brokers to process automated signals as entries and exits in an IB brokerage account.

Configuring the alert Webhook and installing ngrock

You'll need to install ngrock (URL to the download page- https://ngrok.com/download) and at least Pro TradingView subscription for placing webhooks in alerts, and redirect them to your localhost.

Please, do not forget to add Authtoken from ngrock

After that you'll be able to run ngrock server:

$ ngrok http 5000

Copy the URL from Forwarding line and paste it into the alert Webhook line.

Add /webhook to the following URL.

Then, add the message to the Message field in the Alert navigation and click Save:

 "message": "YourMessage",
 "symbol" : "{{ticker}}",
 "price" : "{{close}}",
 "timeframe" : "{{interval}}"


To run the application, please do not forget to install the following requirements. You can do it in your terminal via the following command:

$ pip install --requirement requirements.txt

Run app

To run the app via terminal do not forget to change the directory to TradingViewInteractiveBrokers. After that you can simply type this command in your terminal:

$ python app.py
# or
$ python3 app.py