A cordova-sqlite-storage driver for localForage.
There are two drivers in this repository.
- cordova-sqlite-plugin
- cordova-sqlite-plugin-no-support-check
The first one depends in the "checkSupport" method on the "deviceready" event of Cordova.
The second one just tells that the support is guaranteed everytime. The last was created due to a bug, that the "deviceready" event is sometimes not fired in Steroids and Ionic.
See these tickets for more information:
- localForage has to be loaded before this plugin
- cordova-sqlite-storage plugin has to be loaded
With Angular you would first configure the localForageProvider.
It could look like this:
// Example
// The important part
// driver could be the single 'cordova-sqlite-plugin' or with some alternatives
// size can be defined, in this example 100mb
.config(['$localForageProvider', function($localForageProvider) {
driver: ['asyncStorage',
size: 100 * 1024 * 1024
// in the controller/service you could use it like this
function($localForage, $q) {
var lcReturn = {};
lcReturn.get = function(pKey) {
return $localForage.getItem(pKey);
// other service methods..
return lcReturn;