
Yet Another Stable Diffusion Discord Bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Yet Another Stable Diffusion Discord Bot

Yet Another Stable Diffusion Discord Bot Splash Image


  • Highly Scalable: Leverages dalle-flow gRPC interface to independently serve images from any number of GPUs, while higher memory calls to the gRPC through the bot are forked onto individual instances of Python.
  • Support For Other Popular Models: Latent diffusion GLID3XL or DALLE-MEGA can easily by turned on in addition to Stable Diffusion through dalle-flow for text-to-image generation.
  • Support For Low VRAM GPUS: Stable Diffusion Lite supports image generation with GPUs >= 5 GB.
  • Supports Slash and Legacy Style Commands: While Discord is moving towards the new slash style commands that feature auto-completion functions, YASD Discord Bot also features direct commands prefixed with > -- whichever you find easier.
  • Easy User Interface Including Buttons and Loading Indicators: Riffing and upscaling your creations has never been easier! It even comes with a manual!
  • Stores All Images and Prompts by Default: Never lose your previous generations!



  • 2022-09-05: The sd-lite branch has been merged upstream, so now low VRAM is available with docker images too.
  • 2022-08-30: optimized-sd branch has moved to sd-lite branch, which will be merged upstream. Includes small bugfixes and enhanced interpolation. Upstream docker image is now functional, so instructions have been added for installing that.
  • 2022-08-30: Updated to add slash commands in addition to legacy commands, added a manual link instead of help, added multi-user support (more than one user may now use the bot at a time without waiting), added interpolate command.
  • 2022-08-28: Add ability to use with low VRAM cards through optimized dalle-flow branch optimized-sd.
  • 2022-08-27: Add content advisory.
  • 2022-08-26: Stable Diffusion branch merged into upstream dalle-flow. Added docker installation instructions.
  • 2022-08-24: Added k_lms and other k-diffusion samplers, with k-lms now the default. DDIM is still electable with "(sampler=ddim)" argument.

Content advisory

This bot does not come equipped with a NSFW filter for content and will make any content out of the box. Please be sure to read and agree with the license for the weights, as well as the MIT license, and abide by all applicable laws and regulations in your respective area.

What do I need?

Python 3 3.9+ with pip and virtualenv installed (Ubuntu 22.04 works great!)

CUDA runtime environment installed

An NVIDIA GPU with >= 16 GB of VRAM (9GB if you disable SwinIR)


An NVIDIA GPU with >= 5 GB of VRAM using the lite option

If running with a low VRAM GPU, you will not have access to the >upscale endpoint and will not have the ability to use multiple samplers. Pay close attention to all steps labeled LOW VRAM GPU USERS in the installation instructions.


This installation is intended for debian or arch flavored linux users. YMMV. You will need to have Python 3 and pip installed.

sudo apt install python3 python3-pip
sudo pip3 install virtualenv

Docker installation (docker image)

Install the Nvidia docker container environment if you have not already.

Pull the dalle-flow docker image with:

docker pull jinaai/dalle-flow:latest

Go to Huggingface's repository for the latest version, log in, agree to the terms and conditions, then download sd-v1-4.ckpt. Rename that to model.ckpt and then, from that directory, run the following commands:

mkdir ~/ldm
mkdir ~/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1
mv model.ckpt ~/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt

Then run the container with this command:

sudo docker run -e DISABLE_CLIP="1" \
  -e DISABLE_GLID3XL="1" \
  -p 51005:51005 \
  -it \
  -v ~/ldm:/dalle/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/ \
  -v $HOME/.cache:/home/dalle/.cache \
  --gpus all \


Run this instead to enable the lite version and disable the SWINIR, which will crash your GPU. the >upscale endpoint will not be available.

sudo docker run -e DISABLE_CLIP="1" \
  -e DISABLE_GLID3XL="1" \
  -p 51005:51005 \
  -it \
  -v ~/ldm:/dalle/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/ \
  -v $HOME/.cache:/home/dalle/.cache \
  --gpus all \

If you have >= 12 GB of VRAM, you can re-enable SWINIR.

Somewhere else, clone this repository and follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/AmericanPresidentJimmyCarter/yasd-discord-bot/
cd yasd-discord-bot
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can start the bot with:


LOW VRAM GPU USERS: You can disable the other samplers showing up, which do nothing, by adding the flag --optimized-sd to the above command.

Be sure you have the "Message Content Intent" flag set to be on in your bot settings!

Where YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN is your token and YOUR_GUILD_ID is the integer ID for your server (right click on the server name, then click "Copy ID"). Supplying the guild ID is optional, but it will result in the slash commands being available to your server almost instantly. Once the bot is connected, you can read about how to use it with >help.

The bot uses the folders as a bus to store/shuttle data. All images created are stored in images/.

OPTIONAL: If you aren't running jina on the same box, you will need change the address to connect to declared as constant JINA_SERVER_URL in imagetool.py.

Docker installation (build docker image yourself)

Install the Nvidia docker container environment if you have not already.

Make a folder for dalle-flow:

mkdir ~/dalle
cd ~/dalle
git clone https://github.com/jina-ai/dalle-flow
cd dalle-flow

Go to Huggingface's repository for the latest version, log in, agree to the terms and conditions, then download sd-v1-4.ckpt. Rename that to model.ckpt and then, from that directory, run the following commands:

mkdir ~/ldm
mkdir ~/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1
mv model.ckpt ~/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt

In the dalle-flow folder (cd ~/dalle/dalle-flow), build with this command:

docker build --build-arg GROUP_ID=$(id -g ${USER}) --build-arg USER_ID=$(id -u ${USER}) -t jinaai/dalle-flow .

Then run the container with this command:

sudo docker run -e DISABLE_CLIP="1" \
  -e DISABLE_GLID3XL="1" \
  -p 51005:51005 \
  -it \
  -v ~/ldm:/dalle/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/ \
  -v $HOME/.cache:/home/dalle/.cache \
  --gpus all \


Run this instead to enable the lite version and disable the SWINIR, which will crash your GPU. the >upscale endpoint will not be available.

sudo docker run -e DISABLE_CLIP="1" \
  -e DISABLE_GLID3XL="1" \
  -p 51005:51005 \
  -it \
  -v ~/ldm:/dalle/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/ \
  -v $HOME/.cache:/home/dalle/.cache \
  --gpus all \

If you have >= 12 GB of VRAM, you can re-enable SWINIR.

Somewhere else, clone this repository and follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/AmericanPresidentJimmyCarter/yasd-discord-bot/
cd yasd-discord-bot
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can start the bot with:


LOW VRAM GPU USERS: You can disable the other samplers showing up, which do nothing, by adding the flag --optimized-sd to the above command.

Be sure you have the "Message Content Intent" flag set to be on in your bot settings!

Where YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN is your token and YOUR_GUILD_ID is the integer ID for your server (right click on the server name, then click "Copy ID"). Supplying the guild ID is optional, but it will result in the slash commands being available to your server almost instantly. Once the bot is connected, you can read about how to use it with >help.

The bot uses the folders as a bus to store/shuttle data. All images created are stored in images/.

OPTIONAL: If you aren't running jina on the same box, you will need change the address to connect to declared as constant JINA_SERVER_URL in imagetool.py.

Native installation

Follow the instructions for dalle-flow to install and run that server. The steps you need to follow can be found under "Run natively". Once flow is up and running, proceed to the next step.

At this time, if you haven't already, you will need to put the stable diffusion weights into dalle/stable-diffusion/models/ldm/stable-diffusion-v1/model.ckpt.

Need to download the weights? Go to Huggingface's repository for the latest version, log in, agree to the terms and conditions, then download sd-v1-4.ckpt. Rename that to model.ckpt and put it into the location specified above.

To start jina with old models disabled when you're all done:

python flow_parser.py --enable-stable-diffusion --disable-dalle-mega --disable-glid3xl
jina flow --uses flow.tmp.yml


Run this instead to disable the SWINIR, which will crash your GPU. the >upscale endpoint will not be available.

python flow_parser.py --disable-clip --enable-stable-diffusion-lite --disable-dalle-mega --disable-glid3xl --disable-swinir
jina flow --uses flow.tmp.yml

If you have >= 12 GB of VRAM, you can re-enable SWINIR.

Jina should display lots of pretty pictures to tell you it's working. It may take a bit on first boot to load everything.

Somewhere else, clone this repository and follow these steps:

git clone https://github.com/AmericanPresidentJimmyCarter/yasd-discord-bot/
cd yasd-discord-bot
python3 -m virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt

Then you can start the bot with:


LOW VRAM GPU USERS: You can disable the other samplers showing up, which do nothing, by adding the flag --optimized-sd to the above command.

Be sure you have the "Message Content Intent" flag set to be on in your bot settings!

Where YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN is your token and YOUR_GUILD_ID is the integer ID for your server (right click on the server name, then click "Copy ID"). Supplying the guild ID is optional, but it will result in the slash commands being available to your server almost instantly. Once the bot is connected, you can read about how to use it with >help.

The bot uses the folders as a bus to store/shuttle data. All images created are stored in images/.

OPTIONAL: If you aren't running jina on the same box, you will need change the address to connect to declared as constant JINA_SERVER_URL in imagetool.py.

What can it do?

  • Generate images from text (/image foo bar)
  • Generate images from text with a frozen seed and variations in array format (/image [foo, bar])
  • Generate images from text while exploring seeds (/image foo bar (seed_search=t))
  • Generate images from images (and optionally prompts) (>image2image foo bar)
  • Diffuse ("riff") on images it has previously generated (/riff <id> <idx>)
  • Interpolate between two prompts (/interpolate <prompt 1> <prompt 2>)


>image A United States twenty dollar bill with [Jerry Seinfeld, Jason Alexander, Michael Richards, Julia Louis-Dreyfus]'s portrait in the center (seed=2)

Seinfeld actors on money

>image2image Still from Walt Disney's The Princess and the Frog, 2001 (iterations=4, strength=0.6, scale=15)

Attached image

Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring

Output image

Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring diffused into Disney's Princess and the Front

>interpolate Sonic the Hedgehog portrait | European Hedgehog Portrait

Interpolation of Sonic the Hedgehog portrait to European Hedgehog Portrait

Something is broken

Open an issue here.

Closing remarks

Be cool, stay in school.


Copyright 2022 Jimmy (AmericanPresidentJimmyCarter)