
Create a client-server application using http api

Client-Server Application Using HTTP Api

Every developer is familiar with http api and this demo quickly shows how we can create a classic client-server application using node-m2m.

Set your http resources as defined by the different paths along with the get and post methods.

You can customize your resources by defining your paths or routes with query strings and route parameters both in get and post methods.

Device1 Setup

1. Create a device1 project directory and install m2m.

$ npm install m2m

2. Save the code below as device.js in your project directory.

const { Device } = require('m2m');

let device = new Device(100);

device.connect(() => {

  device.get('/update-data', (req, res) => {
    console.log('req.query', req.query);

  device.post('/machine-control/:id/actuator/:number/action/:state', (req, res) => {
    console.log('req.params', req.params);
    console.log('req.body', req.body);
    res.json({params:req.params, body:req.body});

  device.post('/update-data', (req, res) => {
    console.log('req.body', req.body);
    res.send('device 100 data updated');


3. Start your device1 application.

$ node device.js

Device2 Setup

1. Create a device2 project directory and install m2m.

$ npm install m2m

2. Save the code below as device.js in your project directory.

const { Device } = require('m2m');

let device = new Device(200);

device.connect(() => {

  device.get('/device/state', (req, res) => {
    res.json({id:100, state:'off'});

  device.post('/update-data', (req, res) => {
    console.log('req.body', req.body);
    res.send('device 200 data updated');

  device.post('/machine-control/:id/actuator/:number/action/:state', (req, res) => {
    console.log('req.params', req.params);
    console.log('req.body', req.body);
    res.json({params:req.params, body:req.body});


3. Start your device2 application.

$ node device.js

Client Setup

1. Create a client project directory and install m2m.

$ npm install m2m

2. Save the code below as client.js within your client project directory.

const m2m = require('m2m');

let client = new m2m.Client();

client.connect(() => {

  client.get({id:100, path:'/update-data?name=ed&status=member'}, (data) => {
    console.log('device 100 get /update-data result', data); 

  client.get({id:200, path:'/device/state'}, (data) => {
    console.log('device 200 device/state result', data); 

  client.post({id:100, path:'/update-data', body:{name:'Jim', age:'30'}}, (data) => {
    console.log('device 100 post /update-data result', data); 

  client.post({id:200, path:'/machine-control/m120/actuator/25/action/on', body:{id:200, state:'true'}}, (data) => {
    console.log('device 200 /machine-control result', data);


3. Start your client application.

$ node client.js

You should get a result as shown below.

device 100 post /update-data result device 100 data updated
device 200 device/state result { id: 100, state: 'off' }
device 100 get /update-data result { name: 'ed', status: 'member' }
device 200 /machine-control result {
  params: { id: 'm120', number: '25', state: 'on' },
  body: { id: 200, state: 'true' }