
Deriving optics for Lean

Primary LanguageLean

Recursion Schemes

Based on the recursion-schemes package for Haskell. See also: leanprover-community/mathlib4#282


Given a recursive inductive datatype,

I think that I can get quite far by asking for the following:

  • Given an inductive datatype T with a constructor 𝑐 and arg 𝑎 : α, derive
    • T.𝑐.𝑎? : T → Option α
    • T.𝑐.𝑎! [Inhabited α] : T → α
    • T.𝑎? : T → Option α maps each constructor with arg 𝑎 to this.
    • T.𝑎! : T → α
    • T.Pos
    • T.children : T → List T
    • T.traverseChildren
    • T.Base : Type → Type is the base functor type such that T = Fix T.Base
    • T.Free : Type → Type
    • T.Cofree : Type → Type
    • T.Zipper