
Create a standalone HTML file from Markdown with basic CSS

Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Markdown to Standalone HTML

Create a standalone HTML file from Markdown with basic CSS, table of contents and source code highlighting. The HTML is meant to be readable and self-contained, much like PDF intends to do.


  • table of contents
  • source code highlighting
  • self-contained (inline assets like images and CSS via monolith)
  • simple HTML / CSS template built in
  • bring your own template


This tool uses monolith for inlining assets like images or CSS. If you want to have that feature make sure monolith is also installed and in the path.


Arch Linux (AUR)

paru -S markdown-to-standalone-html or yay -S markdown-to-standalone-html


Check the Releases.

From Source

  • Clone this repository
  • cargo install --path .


markdown-to-standalone-html input.md > output.html
cat input.md | markdown-to-standalone-html - > output.html
Markdown to Standalone HTML 0.4.0
EdJoPaTo <markdown-to-standalone-html@edjopato.de>
Create a standalone HTML file from Markdown with basic CSS, table of contents and source
code highlighting.

    markdown-to-standalone-html [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <FILE>
    markdown-to-standalone-html [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help
            Prints help information

    -i, --no-inline
            Don't try to inline assets. Normally assets are inlined with monolith. When
            monolith is not in PATH a warning is shown. This warning is also suppressed
            with this flag.
    -V, --version
            Prints version information

    -t, --template <FILE>
            Template file to be used instead of the builtin one. Use the subcommand
            template to print the builtin template to stdout.

            Markdown file to be parsed. Use - to read from stdin instead.

    help        Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    raw         Only parse the markdown to html without any further modifications
    template    Print the included template to stdout.


  • crowbook creates books from markdown to HTML, PDF or EPUB.
  • monolith downloads articles and webpages as standalone HTML files.
  • Paperoni downloads web articles as EPUB.