
The program works in parallel with OMP, CUDA and MPI libraries and. Implemented in C, on a Linux system.

Primary LanguageC

Parallel implementation of Sequence Alignment, Final project, Course 10324, Parallel and Distributed Computation, 2021 Fall Semester.

Sequence Alignment – a way to estimate a similarity of two strings of letters - is an important field in bioinformatics. Sequence is a string of capital letters, for example


Each letter in the sequence represents DNA, RNA, or protein. Identification of region of similarity of set of Sequences is extremely time consuming. This project deals with a simplified version of Sequence Alignment of two sequences. The purpose of the project is to parallelize the basic algorithm to produce an efficient computation within MPI, OpenMP and CUDA environment.

Alignment Score Definition with pair-wise comparison

  1. Similarity of two sequences Seq1 and Seq2 of equal length is defined as follows: • Two Sequences are places one under another:


• Each letter from Seq1 is compared with the correspondent letter from Seq2. If these letters are identical the pair is marked with Star sign (*). • Otherwise, the additional check is provided. The letters are checked if they both present at least in one of 9 groups called Conservative Groups:


In case that the pair is found in one of Conservative Group it is marked with Colon sign (:). For example, the pair (E, K) is marked with sign : because they both were found in group NEQK • If no Conservative Group is found, the pair is checked against 11 Semi-Conservative Groups


If the pair do presents in one of Semi-Conservative Groups, it is marked with Point sign (.). For example, the pair (K,S) is marked with sign . because they both were found in group STNK • If the letters in the pair are not equal, do not present both not in Conservative nor in Semi-Conservative groups – the pair is marked with Space sign (‘ ‘).

At the end of the check process the whole Sequence of Signs is obtained. This Sequence is used to estimate the similarity of two sequences – Seq1 and Seq2. For this project following formula is used to estimate the Alignment Score: S = W1NumberOfStars - W2NumberOfColons - W3NumberOfPoints - W4NumberOfSpaces where Wi are the given weight coefficients (the values of Wi are positive).

  1. Similarity of two sequences Seq1 and Seq2 in case that Seq2 is shorter than Seq1, is defined as follows: • The Sequence Seq2 is places under the Sequence Seq1 with offset n from the start of the Sequence Seq1. The Sequence Seq2 do not allowed to pass behind the end of Seq1. • The letters from Seq1 that do not have a corresponding letter from Seq2 are ignored. • The Alignment Score is calculated according to the pair-wise procedure described above.

For example, Sequence Seq2 is placed at different offsets under Seq1:

Score = -27 Offset n = 5


Score = 17 Offset n = 15


Mutant Sequence Definition

For a given Sequence S we define a Mutant Sequence MS(n, k) which is received by removing n-th and k-th letter in S. The indices n and k are positive, letter location is counted from left to right, n < k. For example, for a Sequence S = PSHLQY a set of possible Mutant Sequences (not a full set is displayed): MS(1, 2) = HLQY MS(1, 3) = SLQY MS(1, 4) = SHQY MS(2, 3) = PLQY MS(2, 4) = PHQY MS(3, 6) = PSLQ

Problem Definition

Let Seq1 and Seq2 be a given Sequences of letters. For all Mutant Sequences of Seq2 find an offset which produce a maximum Alignment Score against Seq1. Among all results, choose the Mutant Sequence MS(n, k) with the best Alignment Score. For example, for Seq1 = PSHLQY and Seq2 = SHQP, the Mutant Sequence MS(3, 4) = SH produce the best Alignment Score at offset = 1.

Input data and Output Result of the project

Input File format:

First line - weight coefficients W1, W2, W3, W4 Next line – Seq1 (not more than 5000 chars in line) Next line – the number NS2 of Sequences Seq2 to check against Seq1 Next NS2 lines - Seq2 in each line (not more than 3000 chars in each line)

Output File format:

This file contains NS2 lines with offset, n and k found for each Sequence Seq2 from the input file, in order Sequences Seq2 appear in the input file. offset, n and k defines the location of the Mutant Sequence MS(n, k) with the best Alignment Score.