Welcome to EdWrld's GitHub Profile! 👋

Welcome to my GitHub profile. I'm Edward Utria, a passionate full-stack developer with a knack for creating innovative solutions and turning ideas into reality. I'm always excited to learn, grow, and collaborate on exciting projects.

🌟 What You'll Find Here

  • Projects: Explore a diverse range of projects showcasing my skills and creativity.
  • Contributions: Dive into my contributions to open-source projects and personal endeavors.
  • Skills: Discover the programming languages, frameworks, and tools I work with.
  • Connect: Let's connect and collaborate! Feel free to reach out.

💼 Skills

  • Programming Languages: Java, Kotlin, C++, Rust, Python, Go, Angular, React, JavaScript, TypeScript
  • Frameworks: Spring, Quarkus, TensorFlow, Junit, Kotest, Xunit
  • Cloud Technologies: AWS Lambda, Kafka, Redis, API Gateway
  • Development Tools: Jetbrains Suite (IntelliJ), VsCode, Git, Anaconda

🤝 Let's Connect

Feel free to explore my repositories, star your favorites, and connect. Let's make the coding world a better place together! 🌎

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