Lab 07: CSS animation example

A simple CSS @keyframes animation demo with four stages.

View the GitHub page for this example.

Note that animation makes processor demands, which are of special concern on mobile devices:

Good and bad practice

This is not a good exampe, as it animates the background colour of the body infinitely. Here's why…

GPU = fast, smooth

  • the CSS transform property uses a RenderLayer so the GPU can do the calculations
  • works for CSS transform property values: translate, scale, rotate, opacity

CPU = demanding, use sparingly

  • other properties need a more extensive screen redraw and 'trigger layout'
  • browser 'layout' forces the CPU to recalculate every frame
  • never animate other properties for mobiles or with animation-iteration: infinite;

So only use animation for simple once-only or brief user interaction cues (e.g. on hover) or to attract attention with a repeating animation triggered by some user action e.g. adding a class with style rules to:

  • 'pulse' a missing form field, using opacity in an animation
  • 'jiggle' a button to suggest clicking, using rotate in an animation
