A spring boot RESTful service project. Treated as a programming play ground where to try and find good coding principles of clean code.
GoogleTechTalks: The Clean Code Talks
Too many conditions? Using inheritance and polymorphism instead! (When behavior changes based on state or parallel conditionals are in multiple places in code. It’s good to use polymorphism!)
- 1-1. Using HandlerMethodArgumentResolver for getting user data.
- 1-2. Using Inheritance for role control. Comparing with AOP, it has better maintainability and testability.
- 1-3. Strategy Pattern for different team creation controllers. Application works differently through wiring components differently.
- 3-1. Factory Method Pattern
- 3-2. Builder Pattern
- 3-3. Composite Pattern
- 3-4. Strategy Pattern (Using polymorphism and generics)
- 4-1. Integration testing with SpringRunner and H2 in-memory database.
- 4-2. Object Mother Pattern
- 4-3. Unit testing with Mockito.