Major 1

#README Major 1 Group 4 Members - Sabin Sebastian, Benjamin Murley, Edward Asante, and Chiaha Bernice

Roles -

Sabin - The count leading zeroes function

Ben - The endian swap function

Edward - The parity function and main files

Bernice - The rotate function and main files

Ben - Makefile

Main files - We decided to use Bernice's files.

This program is able to be compiled with and run with a Makefile. The program consists of major.c (main), major.h (main header file), and four .c source files containing their respective functions. Once the program is running, a menu will appear with five options. The five options are the four functions and to exit the program. The user's input must meet some criteria before they get a result. Otherwise, the program won't continue until they do. Once the input is satisfactory, the functions will produce a result and print it for the user to see. The program will run until the user decides to quit. To run the program, download the source code, type "make" in bash in the directory with the c/header files and the makefile, and then type ./major1 to run the program.

There are no bugs or problems with the code. It runs as intended and has everything implemented.