- 1
Mark this repository as deprecated
#1887 opened by vallemar - 5
Firebase Messaging crash issue in Android 13
#1889 opened by pauline-webpuppies - 13
Plugin with id '' not found.
#1882 opened by Whip - 0
- 6
- 0
- 42
Android App Not working with NS 8.2.
#1873 opened by zghotlawala - 1
- 0
SetValue of type Date Error on iOS
#1884 opened by danouche93 - 4
M1 Issue - FirebaseSDK
#1867 opened by sudiptosen - 1
Unable to run new deployment
#1877 opened by gobblygeek - 2
[iOS] Cloud messaging notifications not working
#1859 opened by Wakko90 - 0
- 0
Error trying to install @nativescript/firebase
#1879 opened by carlosdelfino - 0
- 0
microsoft login
#1875 opened by ReneMueller4P - 0
- 0
This project uses AndroidX dependencies, but the 'android.useAndroidX' property is not enabled.
#1845 opened by dannyghub - 1
Several "session_start" event are created on iOS 15
#1869 opened by Z28ILOPE - 0
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- 0
ERROR TypeError: firebase.init is not a function.
#1870 opened by naveenkumarrepo - 0
- 2
Bintray Server Error 502 Bad Gateway
#1866 opened by paul-castro - 3
Could not GET ''. Received status code 502 from server: Bad Gateway
#1860 opened by kriefsacha - 1
When archive in Xcode have error: FirebaseCrashlytics.h file not found
#1863 opened by xpalacincreditoh - 0
FBSDKAppEvents.activateApp() is not a function
#1865 opened by ShyshkovOleg - 1
MLKitFaceDetection not detecting on IOS
#1864 opened by kriefsacha - 0
Uknown alert box on first login with phone
#1862 opened by A-Justice - 0
iOS - Applozic push notifications do not arrive
#1861 opened by xpalacincreditoh - 1
- 1
Deprecating FB Login Support on Android Webviews
#1858 opened by brendonwm - 3
Error calling Firebase functions within worker threads - "Default app has already been configured"
#1856 opened by nhatter - 1
Error: Cannot find module '.....nativescript-plugin-firebase/src/scripts/postinstall.js'
#1855 opened by amidnikmal - 0
i18n works on ios but problematic on android.
#1854 opened by samiul-gtmi - 0
application.start() or freezes the screen, is it safe to use application._start() ?
#1853 opened by samiul-gtmi - 0
Firestore onSnapShot: can't unsubscribe
#1851 opened by nmandyam - 3
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iOS Cloud Messaging / Push notifications
#1846 opened by theremon - 1
Cannot read property 'ads' of undefined
#1844 opened by ogwaln - 0
[iOS] TypeError: Cannot set property 'delegate' of null
#1837 opened by phenric - 0
#1842 opened by KissMoon36 - 0
Stuck installing dependencies
#1841 opened by artemave - 0
Getting Error for interstitial ads
#1840 opened by rmn81 - 0
User object don't have credential with access token
#1839 opened by anarnoli - 0
[IOS]MLKit Barcodescanner (Live) crashes
#1838 opened by Hr4rjuku - 0
Unable to access Google API using firebase.IdTokenResult.token returned by getAuthToken()
#1836 opened by anarnoli - 0
Gradle Duplicate Classes
#1835 opened by maddockst