
Assets download tool

Primary LanguageC#GNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Edelstein.Tools.AssetsDownloader is a command-line tool to manipulate assets of Love Live SIF2.

It can:

  • Download (both Global and JP) assets
  • Restructure all files to original directory structure and names, including merging .ppart and .spart files
  • Decrypt all sounds and movies from restructured directory using vgmstream and FFmpeg


This program requires the .NET 8.0 runtime to run and optionally vgmstream-cli and FFmpeg.

Download respective latest release executable for your OS and architecture.

If you need sounds and movies decryption, download vgmstream-cli and FFmpeg for your OS and architecture and extract the files to the directory where you downloaded AssetsDownloader. You can also install both vgmstream-cli and FFmpeg using your OS package manager.


./Edelstein.Tools.AssetsDownloader [command] [options]

Every command have respective --help/-h/-? option to display help about the command and its options.

  • download (d) — Downloads assets
    • --assets-host <assets-host> Host of asset storage []
    • --api-host <api-host> Host of game's API []
    • -s, --download-scheme <Global|Jp> Download scheme used by the tool (Global or Jp) [default: Jp]
    • -l, --languages <languages> Languages to download for Global scheme [default: EN|ZH|KR]
    • -m, --manifests-out-dir <manifests-out-dir> Directory where extracted manifest files will be located [default: manifests]
    • -o, --output-dir <output-dir> Directory to which assets should be downloaded [default: assets]
    • -p, --parallel-downloads <parallel-downloads> Count of parallel downloads [default: 10]
    • --no-android Exclude Android assets from download [default: False]
    • --no-ios Exclude iOS assets from download [default: False]
    • --no-manifest-json Exclude generating JSON from manifests [default: False]
    • --http Use plain HTTP instead of HTTPS [default: False]
  • restructure (r) — Renames all assets files to human understandable format, combines .ppart and .spart files and recreates directory structure
    • -i, --input-dir <input-dir> Directory with assets files using original directory structure [default: assets]
    • -o, --output-dir <output-dir> Directory where restructured assets will be located [default: assets-restructured]
    • --no-sourcenames Disables generation of .sourcename files that contain information about original file names and locations [default: False]
  • decrypt (c) — Decrypts sounds and movie files
    • -i, --input-dir <input-dir> Directory with assets files using restructured directory structure [default: assets-restructured]
    • -o, --output-dir <output-dir> Directory where decrypted assets will be located [default: assets-decrypted]



Used libraries