
Code runs on GPU with 12 GB memory. Fine-tuning Stable Diffusion on Goodread's best books dataset to test the model's transfer learning ability.

Primary LanguagePython

Stable diffusion for book cover generation

To train the model:

  • Uses 8bit adam, gradient checkpointing and other tricks by default to save GPU memory
  • Download dataset from https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/meetnaren/goodreads-best-books
  • Decompress and put folder in ../book_dataset or specify other dir in training.py
  • Choose to use wandb or local checkpoint must specify "--wandb_key" in training.py and "--run_id" when resuming training and in sd-inference.py
python -m training.py  --num_gpus=1 --train_text_encoder True --train_unet False

Evaluation with some examples:

python -m  precalc_fid_stats
python -m sd-inference.py --version=latest --run_id="YOUR RUN ID" --save_dir="./book dataset" --calc_fid=True 

OR if you use local checkpoint during training

python -m sd-inference.py --save_dir="./book dataset" --calc_fid=True 


(using simple prompts; fixed latent code and random seed; will be improved soon as I fine-tune text encoder and Unet together on more data for more epochs)

  • Preliminary results show that the model cannot render text after fine-tuning, showing that the latent space is not disentangled regarding text/objects to render.
  • Training Unet(the denoising component) improve face and background rendering
  • Training the text encoder let the model better captures the concept of book cover from text.
  • FID score might be improved when training Unet and text encoder together (now it deteriorates during training). It’s also possible that the model transferred “knowledge” not contained in the training set.
  • Future work should focus on decorrelating the latent codes. A possible solution is the ECCV 2022 best paper about Partial Distance correlations.

1. Original model (Stable Diffusion V1.5) image

2. Train Unet, 8 epochs, 3000 images image

3.Train text encoder, 2 epochs, 500 images: image

4. Train text encoder, 8 epochs, 5000 images image

5.Train text encoder, 2 epochs, 6000 images image