gOS is an operating system written in c# with the Cosmos OS Kit
shutdown: Turns the OS and computer off.
reboot: Reboots the computer.
reinit: Reinitializes the OS (pseudo-reboot).
clear: Clears the console.
echo (message): Prints the specified message to the console, Not necessary in the current state of the OS right now but planned to be more fleshed out later.
theme (themeID): Changes the theme of the console. 1 = Ice (default), 2 = Plain, 3 = Inferno, 4 = Sahara, 5 = Magic.
ls: Shows all subdirectories and files within current directory.
cd (path): Changes current directory to specified path, if no path is specified it will change the current directory to root.
rm (path): Removes specified directory or file.
mkdir (path): Creates new directory in specified path.
touch (path): Creates new file in specified path.
cat (path): Prints all the lines of specified file.
grep (pattern) (path): Prints lines of text specifed file which match the specified pattern. use flag -h in gOS for more info.
write (path) (text): Writes to specified text to specified file.
writeline (path) (text): Creates new line and writes specified text to specified file.
beep (frequency): Plays a sound with the specified frequency throught the pc speakers
info: Shows system and OS information.