
Primary LanguageJavaScript

CSS for Images, Color, Text; Git Branching


Learning Objectives

As a result of completing Lecture 5 of Code 201, students will:

  • Extend their understanding of how functions work in JavaScript, as well as the component pieces including declarations, calls, parameters, arguments, and returns, as measured by successful completion of the daily code assignment.
  • Be able to publish a static webpage on GitHub page from a specific branch.
  • Extend their understanding of use of images, color, and text formatting to style an HTML page, as measured by successful completion of the daily code assignment.
  • Extend their understanding of image formats (JPG, GIF, PNG) and the strengths/weaknesses of each format, as measured by a quiz administered in Canvas.

Git branching, including deployment

It's time to take a look at branching in Git. We'll also go over the commands and do some practice with Git branches together in our terminals.

Code demo for today's lab

Today's lab is a 'one-off' lab, in that it is not directly connected to your weekly project.

You'll be working individually today. The GitHub workflow today is different, too, and is designed to give you a lot of practice working with branches, which is the last major piece of Git for us to cover. We need to spend a bit of time with it, and get practice with it, so that you understand what you are doing.

The concepts covered in today's lab (functions that receive input and return output) will be VERY VERY helpful for you in our next big project. Ideally you will continue to work on little problems like this for additional practice.