
A small Rust library to handle matrices made from elements of finite fields

Primary LanguageRust

crates.io Tests


Simple matrix library for Rust. Used for use with Finite fields.

Not safe for production use. It was only done for educational purposes.


// Arkworks has a macro to generate the modulus and generator for a finite field.
// Type F is field element for use in our matrix.
// You should be able to use any. This is just an example.
use ark_ff::{Fp64, MontBackend};
#[modulus = "127"]
#[generator = "6"]
pub struct F127Config;
type F = Fp64<MontBackend<F127Config, 1>>;

// The good stuff starts here.
let a: Matrix<F> = Matrix::new(vec![
    vec![F::from(1), F::from(2)],
    vec![F::from(3), F::from(4)],
let b: Matrix<F> = a.transpose();
let c: Matrix<F> = a + b;
let d: Matrix<F> = a * b;
let det: F = a.determinant();


  • Addition
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Transpose
  • Determinant
  • Inverse
  • Is square
  • Adjoint
  • LU decomposition
  • Scalar multiplication
  • Vector multiplication
  • Sumation
  • Get element at index
  • Set element at index
  • Is identity
  • Equality
  • Display
  • Linear equations Ax = b for x solution